Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sizeland Records
Emerging Electronic Music Producer with experience signing to multiple successful labels such as Adept Records, Rising wave, Sizeland and more. Specialist in Bass music but with a firm understanding of other genres of music. dedicated to helping new music producers on there journey to success in the industry. Also willing to give detailed feedback.
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I am a music producer ready to work in any project,I can help you with the following: -compositions -Arrangements -recordings -mixing -mastering -I play acoustic guitar(Clasical,flamenco) & electric guitar(jazz,blues,rock,r&b) Need to produce a record,need music for Film,video game, I can help you out!!
Hello! We are Moscow based production studio specializing on remote mixing and mastering. Specificity of our location gives us advantage of providing you quality service for a reasonable price. Feel free to ask any questions!
Certified in Abelton and Logic pro, went to school at Icon Collective and graduated 2 years ago. Been producing ever since and I'm now doing music full time. I have a life-time membership to the studio and have a great understanding when it comes to EDM music. Not playing any shows this year so I can focus on production and good mixing techniques.
I want to help you get your song sounding like something you're proud of. I am a singer/songwriter/producer and I understand how personal and vulnerable the mixing stage is for artists. My goal is to take your version of the song and polish it rather than changing your idea. I work in genres spanning from electronic to rock so I am open to anything
From working with ARMADA Records, several label artists and gaining over 1,000,000 streams on Spotify in 2022 alone.. "Foxtrot Motel" AKA Connor Frank & Danny Lunt have been growing their sound into the unique style it is. The duo is aiming to focus on producing and writing for artists that are wanting to find growth in the Pop/Dance scene.
Billboard Multi-Genre Songwriter/Producer | Lo-Fi Artist | ReWriter Co. Founder & CEO
UCLA Songwriter, Retain your Royalties
Produzco música con FL studio,
Recent Successes
"We recorded 3 tracks together and they all ended up absolutely first class. Michael is consistently great to work with and his creative and production capabilities appear to have no boundaries. You'll be pleased you w..."
"Such a great job he's done with my track! If you are looking for a professional mix and master, he's your guy, looking forward to working with him again👌🏽"
"It was a pleasure working with Dan. Very responsive, very professional, and was able to give my tracks that extra breath of life it needed. Fast turnarounds without sacrifice in quality, will definitely work with in t..."
"This was the 19th song together with Chris as a singer. Chris has been fantastic, delivering amazing Topline melodies, Lyrics and vocals. Chris has been outstanding when it comes to understand my music and I gave hi..."
"Michael is a true professional. Took my idea and brought it to life. A tailor-fit recording, he asked my opinions and took my vision seriously. Very happy with what we created, and we'll likely work again! "
"It was a pleasure to work with Brandon! His response times were super quick and after accepting the proposal he got to work right away and delivered on the same day! Really impressed and he totally nailed it! Would d..."
"Once again, Josh has more than convinced me. He is a perfect musical advisor and an excellent sound technician."
"Super easy to work with. Extremely flexible and delivers extraordinary results! 10/10 recommend her for any melodic and emotional track!"