Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Singer/songwriter for 'Girls On Tv'
Award winning vocalist with original music on Canadian radio. She had been through intensive vocal training for over seven years. Has co-written with many artist before and has a beautiful way of portraying ideas and emotions through song lyrics. She can help bring your ideas to life, whether that be through her lyrics or through her voice!
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My name is Kelvin, I'm an L.A. based musician with extensive musical training. I am a genre-bending artist that really enjoys creating lasting art with other artists on the planet. It’s a great time for us to create together. Let it be such.
We will make your song its best!
Keyboard player, producer, sound engineer, sound designer and sometimes singer as well.
I can write anything.
I love exploring drum sounds that are unique for each songwriter. I have been a professional drummer for over 10 years specializing in Jazz, Pop, Rock and Blues. I can offer a variety of sounds and love meshing electric and acoustic drums. I can offer quick turnaround and do edits very easily.
singer looking for prod
Here to do my best bringing YOUR ideas to life!
Hi, I'm Alex, a mix engineer based in Orlando, FL specializing in modern rock and metal. I am known for my work with Heavy//Hitter, Six Steps Forward, Lost Trees, Vouloir, and Deadweather. I prefer a super polished sound with lots of low end, but with an emphasis on keeping things sounding natural! Take a listen to my work!
Recent Successes
"Scott is a pleasure to work with. He communicates with you well, he's friendly, and does everything on a timely, and professional manner. I hope to work with him again."
"I love his sound design. It is magical how everything comes together in his productions. His productions have a very rich, full sound and he will bring that high quality to your track. I have already made several trac..."
"Working with Bryan for the first time and it definitely won't be the last. The Pedal Steel he sent me was perfect on the first pass. Sounds amazing! "
"Beautiful singer! Great voice! Brittany has such style and flair! Did an excellent job with this song! Thank you,Great job! "
"Excellent job as always with Etienne. He understood perfectly what I was waiting for, even suggesting some of his best pieces of advice. I give five stars again..."
"Excellent quality work for a first-time trial. I am impressed and would definitely come back for more. You delivered exactly what you promised."
"I can't speak enough on this guy- the best out there!! and very humble- I hope he remembers me when he blows up!"