Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sinfonía Roja
Mixer - Producer
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Successful pitiching songs & productions for top artists, publishers and labels, providing arrangements, instrumentation and mixing for songs. Perform most instruments needed in today's pop world for making your track alive and ready to pitch and/or release on the top level.
I'm a sort of 'musical defenseman' who loves the way rhythm sections serve the song.
50.000.000+ streams on our music production so far.
Im a normal guy trying to be my own boss. Worked and studied under a few different studios both official And unofficial (home studios). With my knowledge i will do my best and beyond to give quality work to everyone who uses my services.
If you are looking for that new, modern sound in Amapiano,House,Afrobeats and Hip Hop...I'm your guy! I worked with the best in the game, labels like Bf Entertainment and Endumbeni Records and the likes of Lungza G, Qhawelamazulu and Dj Cymphonic. I can create your song from scratch or build a full arrangement around your lyrics/vocal ideas. Hit me
I can make your song sound professional, and “radio ready” hiphop is my main genre but I can do any type of music, I look forward to working with you
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Apasionado por sonar increíble y darle la mejor calidad a mis clientes!
Recent Successes
"AMAZING!! Mari is an incredible professional and incredibly talented too. She won't let you down!!"
"Very easy to work with and capable engineer. Definitely will work with Steve again. "
"I had a great collaboration. Very professional, within time and budget. Extremely transparant in terms of timings, feedback, etc. Overall very satisfied and look forward to working with him again soon."
"Working with Ben was an excellent experience in every respect (wonderful vocals to begin with, great recordings, very thoughtful communication, etc.) and he definitely brought my track to another level. He was also ex..."
"Alexander completed the song really fast, and I love how it sounds now. I appreciate that he approached it creatively and added his vision. It was a pleasure to work with Alexander and I'm looking forward to our new p..."
"Faster!! Professional singer!! I'm satisfied!! thank's!"
"Best emotional vocalist! Look no further! This is how I would describe Ryan Courtney, and this would be an understatement. He will go above and beyond to give your record the magic it needs! Highly recommended!"
"I really enjoyed working with Daniel, Beyond the fact that Daniel's voice is phenomenal and amazing he is also a charming person. Daniel always made sure to concentrate solely on the project and give the best executi..."
"I’m a Music Producer of 12 years and Elsbeth is THE most professional and talented vocalist I’ve worked with to date. You will get 5x your moneys worth. Not only is she creative but her ability to work quickly and eff..."