Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Serafin
I was signed at a young age with a band called Stony Sleep on Big Cat Records and then with Serafin on Elektra Records. I've made lots of albums in an array of studios around the world with producers like D.Sardy, John Cornfield, Machine, KK and Ian Caple... and I've toured with fancy people like Muse and Frank Black.
Get punchy and open sounding mixes by electronic producer and live act from Berlin. Specialization in different kinds of House music, Organic House, Downtempo, Electronica, Indie Dance, Tech House. Credits on Labels like Kamai Music, Buddha-Bar, WAYU, Serafin, Rebellion der Träumer, Rituel Recordings, down.
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A Musician working for musicians. Recording, mixing and mastering with creativity.
Sometimes the unthinkable comes from the unthinkable
Co-produced a song with Bas'/J Cole's team. Signed to Universal Music Group. Got my Bachelor of Music Honours. I eat extra dark chocolate without flinching.
I'm a highly experienced Session Violinist with artists including Michael Bublé, Pulp, Rick Astley, Ella Henderson, Belle & Sebastian, Cinematic Orchestra, JAMES and The Courteeners.
Codex Seraphinianus
I was signed at a young age with a band called Stony Sleep on Big Cat Records and then with Serafin on Elektra Records. I've made lots of albums in an array of studios around the world with producers like D.Sardy, John Cornfield, Machine, KK and Ian Caple... and I've toured with fancy people like Muse and Frank Black.
I am a shark ,This zone is mine.
Get punchy and open sounding mixes by electronic producer and live act from Berlin. Specialization in different kinds of House music, Organic House, Downtempo, Electronica, Indie Dance, Tech House. Credits on Labels like Kamai Music, Buddha-Bar, WAYU, Serafin, Rebellion der Träumer, Rituel Recordings, down.
Recent Successes
"Another stunning collaboration with Matt. He is very easy to work with, and pours so much love into music. "
"This was my first time working with Klaas. Reached out to him to enhance some sounds and rewrite a melody. He sent back many options for me to choose from, more than I had expected. Highly recommend!"
"Alex edits are always amazing "
"Dan is an unelievable musical talent, easy to work with and so fast not only with his excellent lead riffs but also his response to any request you may habe for your song. Looking forward to working with him again soon!"
"Aaron was very responsive, professional and did an amazing job with stem mixing and mastering my work. I highly recommend him for anyone looking for a professionally loud EDM track!"
"I’ve worked with many musicians and I have to say Zeff is incredible! I will always use him ! "
"Yoad did an amazing job on the mastering of our new track. We love the super tight and hard hitting lows and the clarity the mix gained after his work. Looking forward to working with him in the future! "
"Incredible talent, a unique voice and friendly collaboration, I highly recommend Emily! She knew how to listen to my remarks and hit the spot right the first time. I can't wait to release this track!!!"
"Recently, I posted a song I had written for my wife, for our wedding day 18 years ago. I wanted to have it created into a professional recording since then, so I needed someone to create it from scratch. Anthony’s mes..."