Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Semmito
Music Producer & Mastering Engineer
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A uniquely talented and stylish composer of original music and sound design for visual media. Credited composer of original score for Dinner Party VR, an immersive virtual reality film that was highly revered at Sundance, SXSW and TriBeCa in 2018.
I'm a young music producer that knows exactly how to bring the best out of an artist. I can drive any project to a radio-ready state within any deadline. Quick, efficient, professional. I'll cut your spending in half and provide twice the quality in return.
I’m an active recording artist, producer and songwriter under an independent label called “TIM” from Scottsdale.. originally from Orlando, Florida. I’ve been signed with a manager since March. Don’t trust my ability? Go check out my recent tracks on my profile. I specialize in pop, rap/hip-hop and house/EDM.
Vocalist/Songwriter from Johannesburg, South Africa. Full time Sound and Audio Engineering student at SAE Institute in South Africa.
i made my own beat
FOH engineer in France, I got some spare time .. I can mix you songs and drum on anything you have to offer to me =O
BGV's - Alessia Cara, VO - Netflix Titans, Co-Writer James Barker Band, Co-Writer Marc Jordan - The Masked Saint Movie Theme Song and Lead Vocalist. Animated TV series 'Sea Kids' Lead Vocalist and VO character work.
Recent Successes
"Absolutely Amazing! Worth every penny, and I will definitely be coming back to Mount for any mastering I need to get done! My song had so much depth and totally added to the song instead of just doing the job. Did the..."
"very pleased!!"
"Another great mix & master by Nate! Extremely talented. "
"Had such an amazing experience working with Ashley she is incredibly talented! Her voice is so unique and she was extremely professional in terms of communication and response time...would highly recommend & hope to w..."
"Another rocking mix. Our band, Mawcore, is so grateful to get to work with Ocean Studios. They truly pour out their hearts into every mix. They treat it as if it was their own song and more. they definitely listen to ..."
"Cris is our GUY-Great Understanding "You" Music wouldn't be the same without him. He connects with every song we send. And we have sent him a library of songs. Thanks Cris for making each one special in their own way...."
"Pour le mastering de Yemamaya, Etienne a su me donner les bonnes solutions pour parfaire mon mix, et le masteriser en accord avec l'ambiance du titre. C'est toujours un plaisir de travailler avec Etienne, dans la pré..."
"Great job done with minimal guidance needed. Looking forward to hearing more quality music in the few projects we'll be working on."