Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Scott Cunningham
Hi, I am Micah Jacob, I have been working as an Audio Engineer for over 10 years. From touring in bands around the U.S.A, operating live and broadcast meetings for corporate/nonprofit businesses, mixing front of house for bands and cultural performances, and producing talented songwriters, I have found a love for my career in the world of Audio!
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I am an audio engineer with SAE Bachelor of Arts Degree(with Hons) and more than 15 years of experience. I have recording studio, where I do mixing, mastering and post production.
My name is Kelvin, I'm an L.A. based musician with extensive musical training. I am a genre-bending artist that really enjoys creating lasting art with other artists on the planet. It’s a great time for us to create together. Let it be such.
Pro mixes on an indie budget. I take the time to address every detail.
Turbulence Lab Studios, wants to support independent artists careers by offering them affordable and professional recording/mixing services. Through our values of honor, wisdom, and dedication we assist, in making the dreams of those who love music, and chose to be a professional artist, come true.
I'm a 23yo musician/producer from Athens, Greece. I've been playing guitar for over 10 years. I'm well versed in many genres, mainly blues, jazz, soul, funk, rock and pop. I have worked on two albums, dozens of gigs and collaborations with other artists. I own and operate a well-equipped home studio, and have a vast collection of guitars, amps and
Quality and Cheap Mixing & Mastering for any new and old school Hip Hop/Rap songs starting at 20$!
Hello Friends I am a professional guitar player and I am available for Touring and Studio Work
Contestant on Season 25 of "The Voice"
Recent Successes
"Strata's performance was full of emotion and sweetness. The tracks he delivered were flawless and we didn't have to correct anything. He actually improved on the melody and word placement in places :) Cannot recommend..."
"Terrific job again. Voice is right on it for the type of pop material that I write."
"This producer definitely put a sour taste in my mouth. I never got my final wav. file after waiting a year and he never kept any of his promises on time it would be delevered. It took very long to get anything back."
"Steve hits a grand slam on every project, truly unique melodies every time!! "
"Christian slayed this track! He came so hard with Outlaw AF vocal, OMG it sounds so fucking good! In addition to a great voice, he was willing to do multiple takes to get the timing the way I wanted to. He c..."
"His drum editing is always on point! Dustin is the man."
"Ken is literally my favorite. This is my second time working with him. One of the most down to earth humans. So patient, great listener, communicator, and creates high quality mixes. Highly recommend. "
"Ziv is definitely your guy! He was so easy to work with and very, very professional and talented. I absolutely recommend him!"