Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Maranatha Media
Hi, I am Micah Jacob, I have been working as an Audio Engineer for over 10 years. From touring in bands around the U.S.A, operating live and broadcast meetings for corporate/nonprofit businesses, mixing front of house for bands and cultural performances, and producing talented songwriters, I have found a love for my career in the world of Audio!
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Alberto Chaves “Al Bandito” Beatmaker / Engineer (Mix & Master) France
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Making the world better one track at a time! I make beats for trap and hip-hop artists.
I make music cause it’s the one thing that allows us to nearly feel every emotion we can possibly experience. So, I always push my limits to make HIGH quality content.
Guitarist, Producer, Songwriter,
Meet Jasper, a seasoned music professional with a remarkable journey spanning nine years of music production and eleven years of vocal prowess. With a specialization in electronic music and a flair for remixing, Sygrove has become a driving force in the music industry.
Educated professional for hire! My mixes are driven by passion for music, knowledge and understanding for the artist's needs and delivered with solid quality that you can be proud to present to the world. Bringing your vision to life is the most important thing when mixing and that is my goal as a professional mixing engineer to achieve.
37 years of experience as a Mix&Master engineer for Universal, Sony, Warner... and many Major labels
Recent Successes
"Amazing guitarist. Fast. Professional. With simple instructions Robert elevated my song beyond my expectations. He's a genius. "
"I've already secured Shaley for another job. Enough said..."
"A real professional producer. He understands all my needs, and gave my song a new dimension. He works very fast, and has many good ideas. I really recommend Glitches to work with."
"Act 2 - This makes song 10 or 12 - or somewhere around that and every time, I am impressed more and more with Andres ears and abilities. Great delivery. Running out of GREAT things to say about Andres BUT he and his t..."
"I love working with Dom, he gets it right every time ~ beautiful compositions and musicianship, fun upbeat style, super easy to work with ~ super excited to get these songs mastered! Thank you thank you! "
"He's killing it!!!!!!!!"
"funky + vibes = amazing tunes"
"Would definitely love to work with Ethan again, he's definitely got it all: from the ability to understand what your song needs and to achieve it with his amazing performance, to simply being professional and attentiv..."