Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Saurabh Trivedi
60 thousand+ streams. Producer with artist and producer credits for various Indie artists.
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Delivering professional, studio-quality production and mixing remotely, bringing your music to life no matter where you are.
Producer and engineer with over 10 years of experience who loves to vibe with artists remote and in-person. Credits include Converse, ESPN and more.
With over 30 years playing guitar and 15 years producing and engineering I can help create, complete and/or polish songs ranging from EDM & hip-hop to funk, rock and pop. I’ve worked with producer Richard Perry, Gavin Rossdale (Bush), Steven Adler (Guns N Roses), Joe Sample, Morris Hayes (Prince musical director for 20 yrs) to name a few.
Methodical Madness are a group from Guernsey, Channel Islands. They begun recording songs to raise money for Teenage Cancer Trust in 2019. Robots. Dancing. Alone. (album) was released on 26th August 2019 in memory of Thomas Martin-Sarre, who passed away from Rhabdomyosarcoma five years earlier. Today, Methodical Madness has over 12 million streams!
I have an awesome little studio in East Texas with a lot of fantastic hardware and software to make tracks sound their best. 24 channels of I/O and a beautiful sounding Soundcraft Sapphyre console. I can mix digitally or through the console and the collection of outboard gear.
I will mix any genre of music to make it sound professional and loud. Will also produce instrumentals for you.
UK based Music Producer, Mixing Engineer and Session Pianist specialising in Pop, Soul and R&B. Lets collaborate on either a full scale production or let me fill provide you with the keys and piano sound you need!
If you are looking for top notch production, mixing or mastering look no further. I’ve worked with vocals from artists like Chris Brown, Austin Mahone and Lil Peep. Production credits include multiple top 100 EDM records and several hot 100 pop songs.
Recent Successes
"Aaron was communicative, kind, and told me exactly what he wanted from the original. Furthermore, he gave me a few tips for the project as a whole, regarding sound design. He delivered earlier than I expected, and del..."
"Fantastic sound and stellar playing. Delighted with the results as always!"
"Final review for Yoed on this music project! Wow, what an honor it has been to work with someone who creates the way Yoed does :) This last song is really extraordinary in tone and arrangement, a fitting completion ..."
"11/10 He keeps on giving me fire. Absolutely phenomenal and so nice to me. This one took a bit longer because of revisions and he was so calm during discussing it and he changed everything exacly to what i wanted and ..."
"Shaley make for me something special... it s not possible to describe my feelings, when I heard her performance"
"I came back to John Michael almost a year after he'd finished a song for me and he was quickly able to pull up the old project and make some edits for me. Looking forward to working with him again!"
"Ziv is a Top of the line professional! it was such an amazing experience working with Ziv again on my project. From start to finish everything flows so smoothly and I just love how he tailors the instrumental for my ..."
"Always a joy to work with Molly! Waiting for her vocals feels like being a kid waiting for Christmas presents. And it’s never boxer shorts or socks, but something you wished and hoped for."
"Fantastic as always. Brian took the vibe as shown & explained and ran with it, far exceeding my demo ideas and turning the track into an All-Pro sounding piece. I've no need to ever look elsewhere when it comes to Sax..."
"Eileen nailed the vocal! She's a true professional, and a pleasure to work with. Looking forward to working with her again."
"Deza has the voice and talent, but much more she is a songwriter and is a pro at helping younfijd and achieve the song in your head. She's also a talented engineer and the stems are perfect with a variety if useful ta..."