Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sappy by Liv Nicholson
Hi, I'm Liv! I'm a professional singer and songwriter, with over half-a-million cumulative streams on streaming services, from projects I've worked on. I graduated magna cum laude from the highly-accredited Songwriting Program at Belmont University.
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Thanks for visiting my profile! I am a professional producer, arranger, and composer with over 20 years of experience. My primary skill is enhancing the vision of my clients, and providing them with high quality music. I specialize in the genres of R&B, Trap Soul, Lofi, and Golden Era Hip-Hop and would love to work with you on your project.
SoniC scientist; there aren’t any limits around these parts. Enjoy every FREQUENCY
We specialize in creating EDM music. Mainly Slap House, Bass House and Future (sound like Brooks, Julian Jordan, Martin Garrix).
I'm am a mixing and mastering engineer. I have 7 years of experience. I have probably about as much knowledge as the pros. I am self taught.
We mix Grammy winners and bedroom rockstars.
30 years experience in recording and mixing, I have been featured in Sound on Sound magazine and some of my work is even in the British Library! My aim is to understand your ideas and turn them into reality. When music comes together, and it starts to gel and pop, that's the most satisfying moment and one that I strive to achieve on every project
Recent Successes
"Brought her heart and soul to the song. Easy to work with in every aspect, a real pleasure "
"Just started working recently and he already mixed 3 of my songs, heard me out w/ all the ideas I've had for the records and helps create the vibe & bring it to life within the mix."
"Fantastic vocalist and went the extra mile for sure to deliver more than what I asked for! Really easy to work with and great communicator"
"Stellar engineer, and very nice. Andres completed my track wonderfully and made it sound even better. I look forward to working with him in the future. "
"ALOU did an amazing job mastering the track I just sent him! Did it in a very timely manner and it sounds significantly better than the master I did myself. Two thumbs way up."
"Ursula is very talented and good as a singer, I've used her several times! It's always good results, and to my liking! Highly recommended! Good service... When you hire Ursula you get a fresh voice that is bright and ..."
"Very professional job ! The track was not easy to mix and the result is perfect. I recommend Etienne for mixing and mastering !"
"Just loved working with Scott. Professionalism combined with talent."