Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Deserved It by Liv Nicholson
Hi, I'm Liv! I'm a professional singer and songwriter, with over half-a-million cumulative streams on streaming services, from projects I've worked on. I graduated magna cum laude from the highly-accredited Songwriting Program at Belmont University.
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Hi there! I´m a composer, musician and arranger based in Buenos Aires.
Standing out whilst the rest blend in
Professional mixing and mastering for any kind of electronic/pop music. Easy to work with, and always listening to what the customer wants and needs.
Toronto based singer/songwriter with over 10 years of experience as a vocalist & writing toplines. Over 2 million streams on Spotify & 230,000 monthly listeners. Pop/Alt-Pop and R&B focused. My music has been compared to the works of Ariana Grande, Banks, Madison Beer & Miley Cyrus.
A creative pair of published singer/songwriters who have worked with the likes of grammy nominated & X5 platinum award producers. Including writers and producers with libraries from Fox Network groups & Netflix.
With over 30 years of in-studio experience, artistically creating full production recordings for award winning artists such as ConFunkShun, Papa Roach, Joe Craven, Tommy Lee Moffat, and Miles Helm; I have recorded, mixed, mastered, and produced, hundreds of projects in all genres and am looking forward to yours!
Need a good vocalist for a Hip Hop or R & B song? I can sing and I can rap, as seen on my songs like "Sleepless". I make a great feature for any vibe.
You and I will attract high quality viewership from the web. Just so you know, I am a marketer as well by trade with millions of views for digital marketing advice. Not just to talk for my skills in the digital realm, but also to speak for my rap career progression in all seriousness.
Recent Successes
"Wow, wow, wow, wow. Nothing more to say. Very friendly, professional vocalist. Intense and good feeling, when I hear his singing. "
"It was great working with Rob. He understood the direction and style of the project right from the start. Gave me plenty of options to choose from and the final result was fantastic. Would work with him in the fut..."
"Approachability, easy comms and experience make Andy a great engineer. He has a real talent for vocal processing and a good ear for how to polish your sound - highly recommend! "
"When it comes to making music with Kate, at this point in time we developed a solid musical friendship. I know what i want and she knows how to make it happen while adding her own creativity to the process. I would ne..."
"Recording ethnic vocals with Tatiana was a very gratifying and pleasant experience. We started the process with some known basic melodies, but with each revision the song transformed into something more magical and be..."
"Loved the experience of working with UNFAIR ! Was super professional and delivered beyond expectancy. Vocals are on point, quality and structure is ON POINT ! Was super satisfied from the get go when he sent me the f..."
"Absolutely delighted with what Sefi did with our track. Very good quality, professional, a really great person and knew exactly what we were after. A brilliant musical arranger, producer and mixer. Top class. Look f..."