Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with HAAi
#makeitsoundbetter - Trusted by the likes of The Blessed Madonna, Dixon, Âme, HAAi, Tale of Us, Who Made Who, and more
Your Next Mastering and Mixing Engineer. MarcoAntonio, a sound engineer and producer with 15+ years of experience. From Rome to Amsterdam to Barcelona, I've mastered my craft through work and teaching. My top-quality studio specializes in mixing and mastering. My portfolio includes work with top artists from around the world, check credits!
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Clear and Punchy Beats, Mixes and Masters at a Reasonable Rate
#makeitsoundbetter - Trusted by the likes of The Blessed Madonna, Dixon, Âme, HAAi, Tale of Us, Who Made Who, and more
Ed has over 15 years of experience as a Record Producer and an aptitude mixing. Ed has engineered on records in the UK Album Chart Top 10, composed and recorded songs used in popular TV programmes. Ed works with DIY artists to elevate their music so they can get radio play and better gigs, he wants better music to be mainstream.
I can help you in writing lyrics, toplines, or finding your artistic direction by creating your next cover art !
Have been producing for 3 years, in Hip-hop/Rap, R&B and Soul. Can make you a beat sounding like The Weekend, J Cole, Drake, 21 Savage and ect. I also do mixing and mastering so your tracks would sound as nearly professional as I could do.
Charles Oliver is an extremely diverse techno-electronica artist & producer from Melbourne, Australia. With 10+ years of multi-genre experience and knowledge, Oliver's tracks have hit #1 on Beatport & iTunes for 'Techno' and has gained over 1-Mill Spotify Streams + 250k Listeners. Music supported by: Jon Hopkins, Max Cooper, Laurent Garnier + more.
Grammy Nominated Mixer based in Brooklyn, NY. Produced and mixed Platinum Records with 7+ years of experience.
Emotion is the key to music, you tell stories with each lyric. And I will deliver each note according to the writer.
Recent Successes
"Joshua is great! Had him mix and master a couple tracks so far and hopefully we'll continue to work together. He gets things done in a timely manner, and really is able to convert what I say in sometimes vague terms i..."
"Wahnsinn was der Eric nochmal raus holt. War meine 2te Nummer jetzt und werde auch zukünftig mit ihm zusammen arbeiten. Ganz Klare Empfehlung. "
"Having worked with Anzbern for years, i can tell you he is a guy you can count on. Highly recommended. "
"A very kind and thorough man, provided detailed information about the process and several versions to choose from. Very much enjoyed working with Wes!"
"Nate is the consummate professional. I had 10 songs... a bit all-over-the-place with a multitude of types and he was very quick to get things done, and done well -- all the way through to doing even the vinyl. In addi..."
"Andres is such a professional and he and his team are very polite! Every time I submit music to be mastered to Andres he always delivered. I also like that he provides feedback for the final mix that he provides benef..."
"Kristian is wonderful to work with. Incredible bass work and an awesome person! "
"Mark continues to surpise me with his mastering skills, brought both of my songs to life! Has great communication and professionalism. Mark is my to go to guy from now on !"
"Jeff really took my song to the next level and was incredibly easy to work with. Thank you again!!"
"Phenomenal! Exceeded my expectations in every way, both musically and technically, and got the sound I was after on the first try. Great guy to work with too, we had a fun time!"
"Please listen to the other reviews and book Ivan today. Highly recommend! Did a fantastic job with the tuning, timing and my comping requests for my vocals. His attention to detail is fantastic and everything ..."