Your Next Mastering and Mixing Engineer. MarcoAntonio, a sound engineer and producer with 15+ years of experience. From Rome to Amsterdam to Barcelona, I've mastered my craft through work and teaching. My top-quality studio specializes in mixing and mastering. My portfolio includes work with top artists from around the world, check credits!
I was born in Rome, Italy, in 1979. After earning my degree in electronics engineering, I moved to Amsterdam in 2007 to study audio engineering. There, I gained not only technical knowledge but also a deep love for sound production.
I currently work full-time as a producer and audio engineer, specializing in mixing and mastering. I collaborate with clients globally on their productions and conduct workshops in music production and teach at renowned institutions such as the Abbey Road Institute in Amsterdam and Miami.
I now live in beautiful Barcelona, Spain, where I've set up my state-of-the-art production and mastering studio. Located in the lively PobleNou neighborhood, just five minutes from the seaside, my studio is equipped with top-quality gear.
I use high-definition Kii + BXT system, in a tuned room, for a very truthful listening experience.
I'm here to help you achieve the best sound for your music. Whether you're looking for mixing, mastering, or just some expert advice, I'd love to hear from you.
Contact me!
Tell me about your project and how I can help, through the 'Contact' button above.
Discogs verified credits for MarcoAntonio Spaventi- Marco Antonio Spaventi*
- James Priestley & Marco Antonio*
- James Priestley & Marco Antonio*
- Ma Spaventi* / Aroy Dee
- Ma Spaventi*
- Ma Spaventi*
- MarcoAntonio Spaventi
- Ma Spaventi*
- Ma Spaventi*
- Ma Spaventi*
- Ma Spaventi*
- Ma Spaventi*
- MA Spaventi*
- Aroy Dee & Ma Spaventi*
- Daniel Monaco & Ma Spaventi*
- Maspaventi*
- Aroy Dee & Spaventi*
- Autre, Two Thou, MarcoAntonio Spaventi, Enrico Demuro
- Aroy Dee & Spaventi* Feat. J.C. (61)
- Ma Spaventi*
- MarcoAntonio Spaventi, Enrico Demuro
- Ma Spaventi*
- Strata-Gemma & MarcoAntonio Spaventi
- Ma Spaventi*
- Segeke
- R-A-G
- R-A-G
- Yard (2)
- Kelton Prima
- ##### (2)
- Heinrich Dressel
- Billy Bogus Feat Kasillen
- Billy Bogus
- Aroy Dee
- Crystal Maze
- Crystal Maze
- Crystal Maze
- Various
- Various
- Crystal Maze
- Crystal Maze
- Crystal Maze
- Boris Werner
- Delta Funktionen
- Various
- Various
- Hunee
- Astrocade
- HAAi
- Paris Green (6) Ft. Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell
- Stump Valley
- Brain De Palma
- Brain De Palma
- Cawd Slaydaz
- Francis Juno
- Fatima Yamaha
- Cerchi Nel Grano
- аРрок Через Океан
- Jorg Murcus
- аРрок Через Океан
- Space System (2)
- Don Ruijgrok
- Crystal Maze
- Yan Cook
- Seawash
- Ksoul & Muteoscillator
- Population One
- Innerspace Halflife / Ike Release
- R-A-G
- Claro Intelecto
- G String*
- Simoncino Feat. Julian Jonah
- Herva
- Bridge & Tunnel Kids
- Various
- John Beltran
- Ray Escortienda
- Vil-N-X
- аРрок Через Океан
- R-A-G
- Ike Release
- Various
- Conforce
- Erdbeerschnitzel
- Vernon Felicity
- Various
- Crystal Maze
- Olaf Stuut
- Low Jack
- Tuff City Kids
- Area Forty_One
- Various
- Conforce
- Perseus Traxx
- Will & Ink
- Son.sine
- Delta Funktionen
- Will & Ink
- Miltiades
- Crystal Maze
- Sinfol
- The Rattler Proxy
- Motorcycle Boy (2)
- The Rattler Proxy
- Conoley Ospovat
- Mike Dehnert
- Bodem
- Various
- Anopolis
- Juju & Jordash
- Delta Funktionen
- Philogresz
- Dim DJ
- FrameWatcher / Sonornote
- AnD (7)
- Conforce
- Various
- L Neils
- Sinfol
- Cold Colors
- Marvin & Guy
- Egal 3
- Tlim Shug
- Asok
- Various
- Octual
- Khidja
- Conoley Ospovat
- Vince Watson
- Art Department (2)
- Delta Funktionen
- Induction (3)
- Falco Benz
- ASOK, Baldo
- Palms Trax
- Jasper Wolff & Maarten Mittendorff
- DJ Stingray 313*
- L'estasi Dell'oro
- Exos
- Delta Funktionen
- TX Connect
- Fatima Yamaha
- Delta Funktionen
- Francis Juno
- Transport (3)
- Lerosa
- Perseus Traxx
- The Rattler Proxy
- Marge & The Marvellous*
- J.A.K.A.M.
- Raymond D. Barre
- Altieri*
- Sankt Göran
- Performance
- Drum Machine (7)
- Nois Land
- Alien Alien
- Colophon (3)
- Niro*
- Ioannis Savvaidis
- The Kloom
- Die Orangen
- Pier Bucci - Conoley Ospovat
- Vernon Felicity
- Daniela La Luz
- The People In Fog
- Various
- Glass Figure
- Anopolis
- Abstract Division
- 6D22
- S.A.F. (3)
- Głós
- Yaleesa Hall
- R.O.S.H.
- VC-118A
- Motor City Drum Ensemble
- Antoni Maiovvi
- Low Tapes*
- Kat Channel
- Dimi Angélis
- Voiron
- B.E.F.
- Machinegewehr
- Various
- Umeme
- Esoteric Orchestra
- Alien Alien Feat Igino*
- Stefan Vincent
- Red Pig Flower
- Nathan Surreal
- Alessandro Parisi (2)
- Gropina
- Shakkatam
- Khidja
- Tendts
- Various
- L'estasi Dell'oro
- Conoley Ospovat
- Colophon (3)
- Altieri*
- Edanticonf
- Haze (27)
- Job Sifre
- Turbo Teeth
- Jonas Körbl
- Northern Powerhouse
- Obsolete Capitalism Sound System
- Stippenlift
- Network Ensemble
- Die Orangen
- Northern Powerhouse
- DJ Rocca
- Too Smooth Christ
- Helter (2)
- Miller & Keane
- Daniel Araya / Marcos Cabral
- Claro Intelecto
- Sentomea
- Zombie Zombie
- Niro*
- Various
- Hexagon
- Delta Funktionen
- Arjen Schat
- Various
- Dimi Angélis
- Artefakt (2)
- Northern Powerhouse
- Conoley Ospovat
- Conoley Ospovat
- Newworldaquarium
- Timothy J. Fairplay*
- Stiletti-Ana
- Jasper Wolff & Maarten Mittendorff
- Com Sin
- Various
- Vaisa
- Autre, Two Thou, Hawaiian Chips
- Xen (9) & Yovav*
- Autre, Two Thou, Christopher Rau
- Strata-Gemma
- A Hand
- Joakim Hellgren
- Various
- Gallo
- Khidja
- Umeme, Ckrono
- Valerio Moscatelli
- Module Werk
- Northern Powerhouse
- 3KZ
- Pedro Vian
- Northern Powerhouse
- Mosey (2)
- Mosey (2)
- SJ Tequilla
- Yamaoka
- Aos (4)
- San Proper, Hreno & The Mole
- Mattia Trani
- Annanan
- 291outer Space
- Stallion's Stud
- Imaginary Part
- Northern Powerhouse
- Northern Powerhouse
- Various
- Le Cliché, Colophon (3)
- Xerox Biopunk ゼロックスバイオパンク*
- Conoley Ospovat
- Voiron
- Obsolete Capitalism* And Felix Guattari
- Marcello Giordani DJ*
- Guilt (12)
- Northern Powerhouse
- Bnjmn
- Rennie Foster
- Odeon (8)
- 154*
- Elad Magdasi
- Various
- Innershades
- Brioski
- UVB (2) • Endlec • Kwartz (2) • Dj Boss
- Quadratschulz
- Obsolete Capitalism* And Adi Newton / TAG*
- Weird Bloom with Diego Magnani
- Various
- Dimi Angélis
- Versalife
- Red Pig Flower
- Jauzas The Shining
- Die Orangen
- 291out
- Betonkust
- Colophon (3)
- Com Sin / The People In Fog / Yard One
- Native Cruise
- Delhikate
- Shinichiro Yokota / The Mole
- Northern Powerhouse
- Nubi (2)
- Various
- Two Thou & Hobby Horse
- San Proper / Triad (16) / Iori Wakasa
- Erik Anthony
- Leo Young
- Wice (2)
- Various
- Various
- Nutia
- Conoley Ospovat
- Mosey (2)
- PQ17
- Luxus Varta
- Peel Seamus
- DJ Nobu
- Stallion's Stud
- Various
- Animistic Beliefs
- Yugen (7)
- Artefakt (2)
- Random XS
- Obsolete Capitalism and Howie B.
- Low Tape
- Too Smooth Christ
- Unpronounceable
- Edanticonf
- Simone Bauer (2)
- Various
- Various
- Jex Opolis
- Dimi Angélis
- Various
- Arjen Schat
- Spontaneous Affinity
- Various
- Neud Photo
- Billy Ray De La Haye
- Evagoras Karageorgis*
- Various
- Dimi Angélis
- Too Smooth Christ
- Filippo Diana
- Sauce81
- Various
- Delhikate
- Mogambo (โมกัมโบ)
- Philipp Gorbachev
- Dimi Angélis
- Co-Pilot (3)
- Conoley Ospovat
- Obsolete Capitalism - Mark Stewart
- Woo (3)
- Luxus Varta
- UVB76*
- Don't DJ & NWAQ*
- Shari Vari (2)
- Kid Sublime
- Teslasonic
- Dimi Angélis
- Fotoplastikon
- Luca Dell'Orso
- Stojche / Deniro (5)
- Fasme
- Random XS / Zero One & Allert*
- Thanasis Zlatanos
- Exhausted Modern
- Thompson & Lenoir
- Various
- Dimi Angélis
- Mogambo (โมกัมโบ)
- Cabaret Du Ciel
- steliosilchuk / x.ypno
- Various
- Wrong Beach
- Luxus Varta
- Stump Valley
- Blitskikker
- Niconote, Wang Inc.
- Gropina
- Hiver (2) / Moy Santana
- Filippo Diana
- Rodion, Fabrizio Mammarella
- Various
- Roger Baudet
- Co-Pilot (3)
- Rico Herrera
- Various
- The Mole
- Marzian / Black Flamingo Disco Driver
- Carly Barton
- Front De Cadeaux
- Cignol
- Zobol
- Infinite Monkey Theorem
- Danny Daze & Anthony Rother
- MOY (12)
- Bas Dobbelaer, Vand (2)
- Jungle By Night
- Ballet Mechanique
- Dead Bandit
- Lost Trax
- Artefakt (2)
- Lucia Ponti
- Conoley Ospovat
- Gymnasty
- Fatima Yamaha
- Ennio Colaci
- Figi
- Lennart Wiehe
- The Utilities (2)
- The People In Fog
- Cabaret Du Ciel
- Kameliia*
- Kid Sublime
- Various
- Conoley Ospovat, c_olvrin
- Various
- Mario Scherrer
- Cawd Slaydaz
- Luxus Varta
- Ellis Swan
- Isaie*
- Conoley Ospovat
- Xerox Biopunk
- Jascha Hagen
- Basic (2)
- Antal*
- Woo (3)
- CiM
- Voiski
- Dave Angel
- Artefakt (2)
- Laurie Miller
- CT Kidobó
- Steffi (8)
- Feel Fly
- Sound Synthesis
- Koperblond
- Various
- Hadone
- Ikosaeder
- Various
- Normal Stage
- Various
- Intension
- Lorenzo Fortino & Brody (13)
- Jungle By Night
- Young Adults
- Stroef
- Too Smooth Christ
- Lorenzo Fortino
- Perseus Traxx
- Luxus Varta
- 100th Monkey & Tristan / Four Carry Nuts
- Bastian Benjamin, French II
- Charleeps
- Cosmica Bandida
- JP Enfant
- AC-893
- Voodoos & Taboos*
- Grischerr
- Owelle
- JP Enfant
- Atomic Moog
- Fasme
- Livio Improta
- Pier Bucci
- De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig (2)
- Reedale Rise
- Hiroshi MatSui
- Martin Matiske
- Carrousel (2)
- Various
- Vaisa
- Various
- Minus Magnus
- Mastering Black
- Lorenzo Fortino & Brody (13)
- Baalearic Goat
- Minus Magnus
- Isaie*
- LVCA & Otis (31)
- Endrik Schroeder
- Lorenzo Fortino
- Truus de Groot & Cosmo Vitelli
- Elmer (22)
- Ole Mic Odd
- Unpronounceable
- Ole Mic Odd
- Claudio Prc
- Dfd
- Fatima Yamaha
- Quazar
- Lost Trax
- Jungle By Night
- Tony Esposito
- Rico Herrera
- Infesta
- Billy Bogus
- Various
- Various
- Pional
- Various
- MxK (2)
- Art Department (2)
- Various
- Various
- Various
- Various
- Various
- Various
- R-A-G
- Various
- Various
- Various
- Various
- Various
- Dutch
- English
- Italian
- Spanish
Interview with MaSpaventi
Q: Tell us about a project you worked on you are especially proud of and why. What was your role?
A: De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig Moderne Manieren. I mastered this album, the mixes were already top level and I could really use the finest edges of my mastering craft to bring up the quality. Subtle and less is more!
Q: What are you working on at the moment?
A: Different projects, ranging from house bangers mixing/mastering, to deep house mastering.
Q: Is there anyone on SoundBetter you know and would recommend to your clients?
A: Yes, Maria Triana, a respected colleague and beautiful human.
Q: Analog or digital and why?
A: It's not the gear, it's the ear!
Q: What's your 'promise' to your clients?
A: 100% satisfaction
Q: What do you like most about your job?
A: The smile and genuine gratitude of a client who listen to the song after mastering!
Q: What questions do customers most commonly ask you? What's your answer?
A: Should I provide a -6dbfs pre master ? No need to any more these days, as long as your file is not clipping/distorting and it's not crushed into a limiter/maximizer already, we are go!
Q: What's the biggest misconception about what you do?
A: That mastering is a dark art. It's not. But it is indeed something very specific and unique, worth dedicating your whole self to it. For example being a producer with experience does not make you a mastering engineer!
Q: What questions do you ask prospective clients?
A: What is your vision for the end product ? Let's define that and we'll take it there together.
Q: What advice do you have for a customer looking to hire a provider like you?
A: We'll work it out!
Q: If you were on a desert island and could take just 5 pieces of gear, what would they be?
A: Well, my ears hopefully come with me. Then my room and speakers system. Prob I'd need a computer too!
Q: What was your career path? How long have you been doing this?
A: More than a decade, I became a mastering engineer out of passion, knowledge and natural instinct.
Q: How would you describe your style?
A: As a mastering engineer there is not really a style, rather I enhance your output.
Q: Which artist would you like to work with and why?
A: I always loved to work with emerging artists, to help them fine tune and finalize their productions, to the best possible outcome.
Q: Can you share one music production tip?
A: Keep your monitoring level consistent!
Q: What type of music do you usually work on?
A: Electronic, techno and house music, hip hop, indie stuff, ambient.
Q: What's your strongest skill?
A: Communication + mastering/mixing to 100% client satisfaction.
Q: What do you bring to a song?
A: My own level of expertise and artistic sensitivity.
Q: What's your typical work process?
A: First listen, decide what to do, realize that, check against reference work if present, finalize, Izotope RX QC before sending out.
Q: Tell us about your studio setup.
A: Kii+BXT in 50m2 tuned room. Mastering grade stereo setup, with mastering grade gear.
Q: Describe the most common type of work you do for your clients.
A: Mastering and mixing music

- Mastering EngineerAverage price - $90 per song
- Mixing EngineerAverage price - $800 per song
Mastering and Mixing 4 revisions
Within 7 working days turnaround
- Maselec
- Manley
- Crane Song
- Avalon
- Goly