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Sappemeer Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Grammy nominated and platinum award winning engineer and producer Dennis Moody has established himself as one of the industry's foremost talents. Having proven himself to be an outstanding tracking, mixing and live concert engineer, he has worked with hundreds of the world's top charting artists.
A young, but experienced producer with a long list of credentials. If you're looking for an A-List & modern sound I'm your guy.
Recording/Mix engineer
Jacques Labouchere is unquestionably a pioneer of true Americana in Scandinavia. His work ethic combined with an impressive body of live performances set him apart from his indie contemporaries. Perhaps more poignantly his empathetic songwriting of heart-wrenching and compassionate life-stories mark him as the last of a dying breed of true artists.
Hey you! I'm Arash, mind behind Alfons, Viva La Panda and various other successful profiles. Over the years I've garnered hits such as "Ganjaman", "Basta Boi", "Cool Kids". I've professionally worked in multiple different genres, so I come prepared with a wide skillset. Whether it's mixing vocals, mastering or customized orders I'm your guy!
50 million plus streams on music i've mixed on Spotify. Mixing all genres. Let’s take your project to the next level together!
I'm an experienced producer and songwriter who can bring your project in an emotion-filled and professional quality recording. Let's find together the right sound for you!
Experience working with NIGHTMODE, NCS, MONTA, DIM MAK, Lilly Era etc... Official remixes for artists such as: PEEKABOO, Lipless & More. Versatile in multiple genres, ranging from UKG/Dubstep to Deep House.
Recent Successes
"Aubrey is a great top line singer , very professional and the result is high level quality at a very affordable price . Recommended 100%"
"Great experience working with Matt. First time recording, he made sure I knew what to expect and made me feel comfortable every step of the way. Ear for detail. Listened to my feedback and applied it to the songs. ..."
"I really enjoy working with Formal. Not only is he very creative, but very skilled at his craft and really understands quality music. He is a consummate professional."
"Awesome guy to work with! Quality service and quick turnaround. A++"
"Worked with me throughout the whole project and was patient"
"Very Professional and would love to work with her again!"
"Dennis has yet again provided an outstanding mixing and mastering service, and was willing to go above and beyond ensure the track was the best it could be. A true professional, highly recommend!"
"Rondo is a talent and has strong skills and good ideas. Has been cool to work with him and I'm looking forward for the next collaboration!"
"Ryan Courtney is an absolute 'standout' male vocalist... on this project we needed someone who could carry a simple idea and we're blown away with what he delivered. Such a blessing to have had an opportunity to work ..."
"Emy is a creative genius. Really. She is capable of nailing any style. Top line, lyrics, performance. SHE. IS. AMAZING."
"Mario did an amazing job!"