Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sao hạng a
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Music Producer based out of Los Angeles.
Collaborative sound designer/sound supervisor, re-recording engineer, engineer, producer…I have extensive background/capabilities in all of these areas working both locally, and long distance, on countless projects of international scope. www.theforgeaudio.com
29 years producing music. Called "wicked, totally compelling" by BBC I's Annie Nightingale. Master's degree from Stanford University in Music, Science and Technology. Regular contributor to Recording Magazine, Carvin Audio blog, FlyPaper, and others. I produce and I write about producing music.
Songwriter, Song Doctor, Producer / Arranger, Engineer with private studio in Brooklyn, New York. Recently Produced Michael Love Michael's latest album. Worked closely with the creative teams at United Masters and Beyoncé's Parkwood Entertainment. Former member of Antony & The Johnsons. Composer, Arranger, Pianist, Songwriter.
Beat maker and music producer from Brazil. Already worked with artists from Sony Music such as BENI.
My dream is to make music for a living
Most known for my work with Christian & Gospel artists and labels including Vineyard Worship & Integrity Music and as the drummer for alternative rock band Verra Cruz.
Recent Successes
"Fred is the "spotlight of my art". He mastered my song SUPER Quick and gave it a super quality! Will definitly send HIM more of my songs for mastering. Big up!"
"Silver Dollar will go beyond your expectations. He amazed me because he is not only just a fantastic engineer, he helped my project wih production, and also arrangement. He is incredibly professional and meticulo..."
"Josh was very professional throughout the entire process. It was an absolute pleasure working together and I am very happy with the end results. I look forward to collaborating with him again in the future!"
"Get exactly what you pay for. High Level vocals and a professional service. Look forward to working again. "
"Dang--where to begin? I chose Jen because she has a pocket and groove that is just so deep. My track needed this kind of seasoning--and she so brought it. But besides being so funky, Jen also gave me some really great..."
"Working with Samuel was such a joy. I'm always extremely excited when listening to Samuel's creative contribution. It's extremely refreshing to hear the beautiful sound of all the unique instruments he has to offer. T..."
"Best way to describe working with ALOU Productions is: I send tracks to Alex and he sends them back sounding better and louder."
"Laura is a great bass player and know how to create the perfect bass line. Thanks for being on this track you’re the best and you rock.10000 stars ⭐️ "