Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Higher Love Abbi Flyn
Having worked as a producer for the likes of Raye, MNEK, Fred Again, KAMILLE and Abbi Flynn, with BMG cuts and placements through publishing companies on The One Show, BBC Radio 1, Kiss 100 and single release with Roger Sanchez in the electronic scene you can assure to receive high level production to bestspoke.
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Touring drummer for bands like HAIM, Sugar Ray, Hanson, Weyes Blood, and many more. Drum and vocal studio work with artists like Tim Armstrong, Jimmy Cliff, the Interrupters, Van Dyke Parks, and others.
I am Music Composer,Music Producer & Singer from India.
I spent over a decade only dreaming of being a professional musician. This is the year I fight to make that a reality. I love progressive metal and DC Comics. Is there even a niche for me? I want to collaborate and learn from as many diverse musicians as possible. I don't just want gigs. I want to forge relationships.
Tenor with a 4 octave range
Wouldn't it be awesome to have someone care about your next musical endeavor just as much as you do? That's me! I'm a music producer and multi-instrumentalist based out of Asheville, NC. I have 20+ year's music and audio production experience, specializing in a variety of genres including Pop, Funk, Rock, Electronic, Alternative & Cinematic music.
Versatile Latino composer and guitarist, 24/7 working on music.
soy creativo y bueno en realizar arreglos , composición , y desarrollos de ideas , grabo mis propios temas y también ofrezco servicios de mezcla y mazterizacion
Recent Successes
"Hidden gem... I can only expect much bigger things for her in the future!"
"Austin was really easy to work with. He delivered in a timely fashion, and was able to take my ideas and interpret them into the mix. Would definitely recommend him to others. "
"A+ job as always! This newer track was a remix with a tight deadline and Aaron was able to get it done on time. Great to work with as always!"
"Ziv is extremely talented and was amazing to work with!! I was looking to complete a pitch demo with a layered guitar arrangement that fit a specific style. Ziv understood the material right away, went above and beyon..."
"Another successful project with Adam. Apart from making my mix sound controlled, more balanced, and delightfully loud, Adam highlighted the most exciting elements of my songs and made them jump out of the speakers whi..."
"It is a real pleasure to work with Vince. He is a great mixing engineer who is very detailed in his mixes and he has perfected his craft so he can be both detailed and fast at the same time. Communication with Vince h..."
"It was a pleasure working with Adrian on my first song! He is super patient and supportive, and put a lot of my nerves surrounding my lack of experience to rest. His response time is fairly quick. He is a fantastic mu..."
"Awesome Job - great musicality and had a great experience with him. "
"All I can say Luke is ‘thank you!’ Just a total pro. Gets the vibe like not many can. Incredible work. "