Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Santi Casas
Hey, sup! I am Edwin Black, I'm mixing engineer, producer and musician, I will be able to make the idea you have of the sound you want come true. One of the things I love is mixing and make that sound that you're looking for in your tracks.
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More providers:
"Drink It Up" written and produced by me.
Grammy: best Latin Jazz, 2015 (recording engineer) Latin Grammy: best Latin Jazz, 2017 (recording engineer); 2 "best engineering" nominations, 2015 and 2017. Music Master´s Degree (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2013). MP&E, Berklee College of Music (89)
I love to play, practice and perform my instrument. Yes, Art is subjective, but being a guitarist/musician is more than that, it's a craft.
Singer/ Actress
Hi! My name is Gogo and I'm a session bassist. If you need some low-end loving on your tracks, I'd love to work with you!
I've been writing songs since I was eleven years old and have always had that passion for music. At seventeen years old I built myself a home studio and started professionally writing and recording songs. I write and sing R&B songs from the heart, and soul, and am able to provide quality vocal demos on command.
If you ever woke up with a song in your head, record and send it to me. I'll help you bring your vision to reality.
When it comes to a piece of music, I can do it all. I can create a piece from start to finish, and do so usually by the end of the second day.
Recent Successes
"WOW! We're still reeling from how talented and creative Guy is. His production and mix was one of the few best we've EVER gotten from any one on SoundBetter to this point. We've been on here a while and are thrilled w..."
"BAZZA is amazing. He helped me out with giving the right drum groove for the song I had written and arranged. He gave it a heartbeat. I am impressed with his playing style and the quality of the recording. "
"Another awesome song finished with Drew! Always really easy to work with and the end result is great! "
"very patient, goes back as many times as needed till its right."
"Super talented vocalist, professional, and a pleasure to work with. Would definitely recommend. "
"I hired Alex for mixing and mastering my very first song, and i'm very happy with the result; he delivered a masterful mix that fits perfectly with the song vibe. I highly recommend you work with him! Don't hesitate. ..."
"Nuno is the best! I had a great a experience working with him"
"I worked with Mariano on 2 beautiful projects - writing an arrangement and recording an orchestra for 2 of my original songs. Working with Mariano was simply exceptional - very professional, pleasant, and most imp..."