Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sander Visser
Powerful mixes loaded with emotion. It's all about the music and how it is reproduced.
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singer/songwriter interested in demo work and writing top-lines
Hi. I'm Anton Rzheutsky
Multi-instrumentalist,(accordion, piano, drums, percussion, vibraphone), Electronic artist, Visual Treatments.
Unique and ear-catching production and composition!
I can add flair to your rock, metal, or prog song with my guitar playing!
I am a Canadian singer/songwriter who has been performing work for hire gigs since I was 14 years old. Received a full scholarship to Berklee College of Music 5 Week Summer Program. won first place in the SADAIC (Argentina's performance-rights organization) songwriting competition and was a Got Talent finalist. Fluent in both English and Spanish.
Soy un productor musical especializado en la creación integral de instrumentales, con énfasis en mezcla y masterización. Mi enfoque combina precisión técnica y creatividad para lograr paisajes sonoros distintivos. Transformo ideas en obras maestras, garantizando una experiencia auditiva excepcional.
Dolby Atmos Mixer - On Site or Remote with binaural HQ Audio Stream - Dolby Atmos - the new Stereo
Recent Successes
"Chris Adams is BEYOND PHENOMINAL in every way in musical creation! I have worked with Chris on every single one of songs because he is the best in the business. What is most exceptional about Chris is that even though..."
"Sauce is present! Hell yeah."
"Highly highly recommend u work with Arthur!!"
"Jeff recorded a samba and a bossa nova for me, and did an incredible job that completely transformed the songs to the better. He is a fantastic player, and it was a real pleasure to work with him. He is very quick to ..."
"Nate is a great producer to work with!! He listened to my needs at all times, was incredibly patient, and helped me create a banger out of a simple idea! "
"As always Marcelo delivered a perfect track he even sent a few extra options, for what I have requested. His talent is amazing and always nails it from the first take, super professional and very quick, and I can't re..."
"Another great one! Super fast and quality work from Thomas "
"Daniel is one of the best producers/engineers out there!! Definitely worth working with! and also his experience in the music business is notable... he will help you with anything you have in mind, and will also help ..."
"Fastest turnaround and PRO result. Working with Alice was a bliss , highly recomended."
"I hired Valentina for a music production project I’ve been working on. She was very easy to collaborate with and consistently met all delivery expectations. I highly recommend Valentina for any music project."