Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Samini
I’m Allen Anti, and I’ve mixed and mastered music for some of the best mainstream & up-and-coming artists in Ghana. Notably I recored/ mixed for Ebony Reigns (Late). And I am now available here on Soundbetter to mix for you!
Let's do this...
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More providers:
producer /engineer
Pop/Rock/RnB Artist also offering Vocals, Rapping, Top Lining and most significantly - Lyric Writing and Song Writing services. Do not let my good value prices fool you for a second - I would back myself against anyone when it comes to value for money - high quality songs in a range of genres and moods.
Welcome to my profile and thanks for considering me for your next project. I've had the pleasure of working with some very talented independent, yet established producers and artists. I specialize in vocals, vocal arrangement, and songwriting.
I'm a songwriter and music producer based in Brazil. People know me for my former band RESTART or my new edm music project SELVA. I can write songs in english, spanish or portugueses (just in case). Text me :)
We are a Canadian based music duo, wanting to contribute our skills and experience to help others develop and polish off there songs.
I’m Allen Anti, and I’ve mixed and mastered music for some of the best mainstream & up-and-coming artists in Ghana. Notably I recored/ mixed for Ebony Reigns (Late). And I am now available here on Soundbetter to mix for you!
Award winning mixing engineer from Iceland
Recent Successes
"Amazing experience to work with Jonas, we work with him in our usual routine and we will continue cause he understand very fast what we want and we give us the results perfect and very very fast ❤️"
"Extremely good bass player. He got the groove, flow and has the ability to understand the project. Good communication skills and easy to work with. I really recommend you to work with Davidbassy If you want your song ..."
"good work!!! thx so much!"
"Que decir, Nunca habia encontrado una persona tan paciente y competente.. seguramente volveremos a darle otros trabajos!! contentisimos del resultado.. gracias David. Hola Lola Production.."
"Great work, quick communicator, went above and beyond what we asked him for! Definitely would use again!"
"Pablo is the go to! If there is anyone on this site that you need to go to immediately, Pablo is the one. We have used him many times.Thank you! "
"True professional in every way He keeps a tight schedule so be ready with your material,after all if he had all the time in the world I'd probably question that.He game my song the golden touch I'm hoping this song g..."
"Zev is a brilliant songwriter and vocalist who's quick to grasp the reins of your project & help bring your vision to life. Would highly recommend him!"