Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sahra da Silva
Award winning producer, multi instrumentalist & mix/mastering engineer offer various services, specialized in 60s inspired soul, americana, and organic productions
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Radio ready Mixes , Masters and Production www.soundcloud.com/thenamechanged
Down to work...ALL budgets welcome!! Hit me UP - Bradley
My name is "Jen Perr". I am an artist, author and composer based in France.
Professional arranger and guitarist, and also prolific music engraver
Mas de 20 años de experiencia en mi estudio Dopplermedia , siempre adaptándome a las necesidades del cliente ofreciendo la mejor calidad posible, tanto a nivel técnico como humano
Currently engineering at Fenix Studios NYC Drill specialist Hook Creator
I will be a custom beat for you that is unique and original to YOU and YOUR music.
Ciao, sono Ayron The Dark, produttore musicale appassionato di pop-punk, metal e pop moderno. Combinando energia e melodie catchy, creo tracce che uniscono questi stili per un sound fresco, grosso e potente. Contattami e portiamo insieme la tua musica al prossimo livello!
Recent Successes
"WES is very fast and accurate. He has a versatile voice and flow and a huge creativity. Simply a TALENT."
"Rob was fantastic to work with. Quality work, and as importantly, quick, responsive, constructive and helpful. He was very helpful with a unique project that I asked him for. Highly recommend."
"This was my first time doing this and Austin was such a big help! He did an amazing job and was easy to work with. He was responsive and took the time to help with any requests I had."
"Stefano played organ on this song and it is soooooo good!!! Another example of his excellent skills at matching the feel of the song. "
"Chris Garcia is a pro at what he does best. Really great working with you again Chris! Until next time :) "
"So glad i choose Nate to record drums & percussion for my track. I could not be happier with how it turned out. Quick response & recording times! Highly recommend Nate if you are looking for a professional drummer to ..."
"I just finished working with the Great Jaime Arin, I say Great because she is Great, her work ethic is GREAT, her Attention to detail is GREAT her Positive Attitude is GREAT and her music skills are GREAT !! yes, Jai..."