Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rory Godson
Up-and-coming producer dedicated to delivering great value and expanding my portfolio. With experience writing, mixing, and singing across various genres of music, I’m confident I can bring your tracks to a competitive level while making your satisfaction my top priority.
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"Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break the rules like an artist" Knowing chords and rhythms is nothing without an artistic vision. As someone who has worked with hundreds of artists, I can truly say that a song or a record is nothing without keeping the artistic vision intact. That's what you get when you work with me.
Professional saxophonist available for studio recordings to bring the magic of saxophone to your tracks. Sax riffs and solos for EDM, Pop, Rock, Jazz and other styles. Graduated with BMus degree with many years of experience performing and recording.
Music Producer, Sound Designer and Mixing Mastering Engineer.
Powerful voice and versatile performance in ENG, FR & RUS
I am a hard worker that would love to help with any job that makes great use of my skills!
I help to bring musical ideas to life in a creative way regardless of genre. I currently have music on many media platforms (TV, web series, Apple Music, etc)
I am a Mixing Engineer & Sound Designer who's had the privilege of being involved in records that can be found on Netflix, Crave, Apple TV, & MTV in various placements. From touring / recording internationally to composing and mixing original music in an award-winning feature film, my history is colourful to say the least.
Serving curators who are seeking support elevating their artistic visions through songwriting, vocal production, and top lining
Recent Successes
"Max is really great. This is my 2nd song mixed with Max Carola.Almost like a doctors bed side manner he's got an easy going attentiveness and banter that I really appreciate. I am not the easiest person to deal with ..."
"I've been working with Mr. Mig for years now. He always does that finishing polish, the mastering. He just did 4 new songs for me and I'm about to send him several more. He is quick to communicate. He is very professi..."
"He is a great man."
"Ben did a great job again mixing my piano track. Ben cares about your mix, and try every possible way to get it sound as good as it can get.. He also made a really cool drum track for another piece I had. Sounded abso..."
"Ziv is a true professional and a class act. His ideas and vision took the song to the next level, he was very prompt and communicative throughout the entire process, and his playing is on point and perfectly executed...."
"very timely and high quality service! andres' analog rig delivers everything you want in a great master... extended lows, tasty midrange saturation, and airy highs."
"18/4/2022: I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Stephen. He has always been professional, enthusiastic and has worked hard to understand what I have been trying to create. He has done an outstanding job and I woul..."
"It was a pleasure working with TJ! He understood right away what the song needed to bring it to the next level. Will definitely be working with him in the future."
"Fantastic work, a pleasure to work with!"