Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Indigo Skies
Up-and-coming producer dedicated to delivering great value and expanding my portfolio. With experience writing, mixing, and singing across various genres of music, I’m confident I can bring your tracks to a competitive level while making your satisfaction my top priority.
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Take a look at the possibilities offered by the studios, the services available from the hotel and the musical features of this venue – a place of great music production and much, much more!
Top Notch Audio Productions is a customer oriented music production facility. Our production suite is centered around a powerful Digital Audio Workstation specially configured to take advantage of the latest technology in music production. We specialize in mixing, sequencing, pre-production and audio-editing to name a few.
My name is Neldrick Martis, Producer / Mixer and Mastering engineer living in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. I work out of my studio based near the city center of Amsterdam.
I most mix HipHop, Pop, and R&B. But I am open to anything :)
" I strive to capture the true essence of an artist's regardless of style and budgetary constraints in the current music business's climate"…."the artist's integrity is my number one priority!" - Mark Niemiec
Elite Professional French Horn Player and seasoned session musician (NYC/London) with a professional recording studio. All styles and genres with multiple revisions to make sure you are completely satisfied. Also, an accomplished composer and arranger who is able to write and arrange instrumental parts for your track in any genre or style.
I'am a music producer & mixing and mastering engineer with more than 12 years of experience, I lead the project Nightcrawler I have experience in various styles such as: Electronic Music, Synthwave, Darkwave, Pop, Italo Disco, Ambient & Cinematic, I've produced music for the Film industry & Videogames for brands such as Playstation, Ravenage Games
I will work with you to create the great sounding drum parts your song needs. With over 27 years of experience playing in a variety of genres, I can help you get the beat you are looking for.
Recent Successes
"Zoltan did a quick turn around with some great playing on one of my latest songs. It fills my heart with glee to replace a midi bass track with the human feel and groove of an accomplished professional. Thanks for a..."
"Great guy to work with. Groove based drummer. Good communication. open to ideas. the tracks sound great. all the stems there too and no hitches. I havent used them yet in the tracks and it will be more than 15 day..."
"Easily one of my favorite vocalists right now!"
"Always a pleasure to work with Miguel. This is my 6th song with him and as always.......he shines through. He never quit till it is done right."
"Juan was friendly and delivered a top quality product, in a short amount of time. He’s very talented🙌🏽🙌🏽"
"Josh Florez is my second set of ears! He is a blessing on my musical journey!"
"Kimera nailed another one! She new exactly what my song needed and delivered with just the right emotion, attitude and timing. And, she connected me once again with the perfect producer for the song. Kimera rocks, an..."
"Amazing vocals - completed really quickly! I found a Splice vocal which I liked, and she's come up with something in the same style but better (and completely original!) I could not be happier!"