Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with ROLLA
Affordable remote mixing engineer with 5+ years experience in the music industry and a detailed natural ear for music. Have worked in many different level studios across the UK as an engineer & artist including, Rockfield Wales, Edge Studios Manchester, The Lounge Wigan and Goyt Mill Marple.
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T McCrae undoubtedly has the vocal ability, skill set, discipline, work ethic and experience necessary to turn your next record into a work of art. .. T McCrae has recorded songs with Grammy nominated singer/songwriter and vocal coach David Wade, producer Martin Jerome Prospere, Necco Starr of American Idol and others.
Songwriter, music producer and engineer specialized in Reggaeton, Hip Hop, EDM and Pop. Ready to take your project to the next level!
Universidad Privada en Madrid, Pozuelo. Más del 30% alumnos becados. Líderes en trato personal. La formación de la UFV dota al alumno de los conocimientos teóricos necesarios para el desempeño de su profesión, le forma en las habilidades, competencias y talentos imprescindibles para su ejercicio y le transmite los valores y actitudes necesarios pa
music life love
Soy productor musical e Ingeniero de mezcla y masterización con más de 15 años de experiencia.
Eswatini Rapper, Record Producer, Founder & President at Riska_D_Rollaz Records.
Compositor ARGENTINO asociado a @29ent para todos los artistas del Sello Discográfico y sesiones aleatorias que surgen mensualmente con artistas fuera del sello ya sea como compositor principal, ayudante de compositor base y asesor de letras/canciones realizadas.
¡Hola! Soy Gloria Méndez, compositora, letrista y psicóloga con una profunda conexión con la música y la emoción. Como artista multifacética, toco el piano, la guitarra y canto, lo que me permite abordar cada proyecto musical con una perspectiva única y completa.
Recent Successes
"Tony is real talent, you will enjoy to work with him!"
"Eric has done a good job again. I would like to contact him again for more lessons. 5 stars from me"
"Working with Michael was amazing! He knew exactly what lyrics to put into my song and came up with great ideas. Also, very fast response times. Recommended for sure! "
"Ivan was very professional, friendly, and did a great and musical job editing the material. "
"Amazing first experience working with GËKKØ! This was a very special original song for me, and he made me super happy without the need of any revision! He is an incredible producer, with an incredible music taste and ..."
"Sabrina and her colleague recorded several violin and cello parts for a track of mine with wonderful musicianship and great professionalism. No hesitation in recommending. "
"Gergo is so nice to work with and he's also a hardworking and talent player! Enjoy this cooperation."
"I've worked with her over 20 times, and she's always been outstanding!"
"Regi is an amazing musician and mixing engineer! I highly recommend Regi if you're looking for a mixing engineer with experience of jazz performance! He took our song to a higher level. He was able to accurately contr..."
"Loved working with Fred! Not only does he give high quality masters in VERY little time, he is incredibly easy to work with and makes sure you receive a master with the same quality of work you put into the mix. "