Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with nereida naranjo
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Specializing in remote sessions online for mixing, mastering, on staff guitarists, keyboardists and drummers to meet your every need. I also work locally and have a fantastic setup, using the very best in analog and digital technology.
Hot Money Productions is a music production and recording studio in London based in South Bermondsey. Founded by a music producer and experienced engineer, Hot Money Productions helps clients achieve professional sounding recordings, mixes and masters that sound good everywhere.
Accomplished Music Producer and Sound engineer that specializes in Electronic Dance Music (EDM) with releases on major labels and over 100 million streams across the globe. My promise is to give you an industry standard sound that will likely exceed your expectations.
I strive to highlight the uniqueness of each artist or project that I am involved with. It’s all about your artistic expression. Focus is on composing for film and television as well as artist development and production. NOM INC. as Publisher, controls an ever growing library of varied music styles from cinematic to pop.
I am best known as nerd rock artist Kirby Krackle; songs about the best in geek culture, inclusion, and positivity.
Colorful, classic sounding mixes. Mojo guaranteed.
Productor, compositor y beatmaker Medellín - Colombia instagram.com/skinyritmo +573003910894 (msn)
Looking to build my podcast editing clients! Great rate for new podcasts. Let's connect!
Recent Successes
"This is my first time I have the pleasure to work with Madam. We have a nice, easy and productive communication during the Mix & Mastering process, understanding any of my recalls and given me back an excellent sound ..."
"Fantastic mastering-results, and i'd love to work with Sefi again. If you are not 100% certain about your mix, I suggest that you ask someone that lets you re-adjust your mix and send back if any problems are more..."
"Extremely good bass player. He got the groove, flow and has the ability to understand the project. Good communication skills and easy to work with. I really recommend you to work with Davidbassy If you want your song ..."
"Ashely was a pleasure to work with, communication on remote sessions is a must and Ashley was very responsove concidering the time differance. Ashley was acurate on pitching, tonal quality, timing & texture. defo rec..."
" I do believe that Markiss is absolutely one of the greatest producers and engineers out there, especially here on SoundBetter. He is THE BEST!!! I’ve worked with many other producers here, and most of them came up s..."
"Kristoffer is a very talented producer, he gives life to your project and ideas, I really recommend him !"
"I sound like a broken record reviewing how happy I am with Chad mix and master quality, turn around time and ability to bring a song to life! Ur the man thanks again"
"Had the best experience working with Chris! He was quick, super easy to communicate with, and nailed the sound I was looking for in my mix. Highly recommend! "
"A good talented musician. "