Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ritual Habitual
I'm a restoration and mastering specialized sound engineer, I've been producing audiobooks almos exclusively since 2019, editing, restoring and mastering many of the audiobooks you can find online.
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I'm a writer/producer based in Nashville, working with artists here, and all over. I'm a member of The Foxies, and have worked with the likes of Ruston Kelly, Emily Weisband, Maggie Rose, Them Vibes, and others! I've done tracks and tunes for television, independent films/web series, and various radio outlets. All I want is to make great music:)
Im an Elite Songwriter based out of Los Angeles, California. well priced , Professional , Responsive and i have a super quick turnaround time . Just let me know what kind of sound you are looking to achieve or even what you would like to talk about and let me bring the rest of the vision to life.
Think beyond borders - I‘ll help you.
Producing Everything from Hard Hitting EDM to Melodic Brazilian Funk, Forro & Sertanejo, I like to fuse my love of different cultures into my music in a form unexpected to create new and exciting sounds. Let's work to create memorable hit records weather it be in English, Spanish or Portuguese! Eu falo as 3 lenguas! Yo hablo las 3 linguas!
GET YOUR FIRST PROJECT AT 50% DISCOUNT! Certified Mixing Engineer/Music Producer with over 6 years of experience! With over 400,000 in streams. Ive mixed Pop, EDM, Acoustic, Indie & Rock. With a deep understanding of the science behind sound and an artist's ear for creativity, I have worked on a wide range of projects, from Full Albums to Singles.
Ryan is a songwriter and multi-instrumentalist with experience producing, engineering, and mixing. He’s worked with Joe Chiccarelli (The Shins, Beck), two-time Grammy nominated producer Rian Lewis (Doja Cat), Rob Daiker (Katy Perry), and Raymond Richards (Local Natives, Blitzen Trapper). Ryan’s penned songs earning over 10 million streams.
I am a trap producer, who loves house and electronic music and produces all of those genres! I was featured in XXL magazine (2020) and had a publishing deal with Sony Music & Beatstars. I have over 4M+ streams, and counting!
Recent Successes
"Gekko works with my needy self so meticulous and always delivers exactly what I asked for and goes about and beyond. Easy and fun to work with and obviously at the top of the top in terms of talent. Will continue wo..."
"Beautiful, fast and a total professional. I love how he brings the best of the song. Will definitely recommend!"
"Professional as always and will always return for beats that exceed my expectations "
"I'm always left speechless after i get the final results from Riccardo, honestly the best production i've heard. I keep saying it makes the band sound massive, huge and epic, which in fact is true! Riccardo is such an..."
"This is the second song Bruce played on for me. Pedal steel and fiddle. So good, Bruce really elevates the song to a higher level. Highly recommended. "
"Steve's professional work helped me a lot with his amazingly quick response and considerate work. I felt such I'm working in an enthusiastic team. Many thanks !"
"Ger composes with intense passion for music. It's dripping off everything he produces. So, to collaborate with such a composer was truly a joy and privilege. I look forward to any opportunity to work with him again."
"Doug is a talented artist, he delivered me a melody in a few hours. I recommend it to everyone. Thanks bro"
"Excellent performance and communication. Very flexible and willing to provide a variety of comps with different perspectives. Would book again!"
"Easy to work, easy to communicate. Straight away Jack was really hyped for the work I asked him to do. Amazing voice if you need a voice for Twenty One Pilots sound a like. "
"Marco has helped me bring my new album to life.. and he has done 5 star job each track that he did, come to mark for your mixing needs "