Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with #Rhomer
I have collaborated with 117+ local, national and international independent artists, focused on elevating the quality of their voices and songs. We specialize in vocal editing, mixing and mastering, covering genres such as Hip Hop, Urban Music, Pop and regional music. We have a wide catalog of musical hits.
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Istanbul based Music Producer, Recording & Mixing Engineer
Power House, Session Singer Specializing in Rock, Metal, Opera, Folk, Jazz, Blues, Musical Theatre, PoP and More. Songwriter for Top Lines, Melodies Harmonies and Lyrics!
Down Lo production is a production company started in 2016 by Clem Lo. After having worked with numerous artists from France and USA such as Lord Felix, Lilacs., Jay Critch, Lick Neon, Mosie, Anetta Morozova etc..., the company moved to Brooklyn and is currently pushing its boundaries further by working on a musical.
Hi! Are you looking for a producer to make your next pop dance single? I can produce a record for you from scratch or build an instrumental around your vocal/lyric Ideas, or before your vocal. Hit me up and lets work on your project.
I love full dedication to my projects and communicating strong messages through it. Music has intentions and I like taking advantage of it to create ear pleasing instrumentation.
I have collaborated with 117+ local, national and international independent artists, focused on elevating the quality of their voices and songs. We specialize in vocal editing, mixing and mastering, covering genres such as Hip Hop, Urban Music, Pop and regional music. We have a wide catalog of musical hits.
Black music mixing and mastering. Focused on hip hop, rap, trap, reggae and dancehall.
Hiya! I'm Mari Nyman, a passionate and versatile audio engineer / producer. Specializing in mixing, producing and songwriting, I bring a unique blend of creativity and technical expertise to your project.
Recent Successes
"The lyrics are good. Leora is professional. Love her voice. "
"Incredible work, true Pro "
"Working with Kian is great - superb vocals and lots of creative input through discussion. Fab job done !"
"Amazing as usual he is on fire the best I’ve had the pleasure wiork with thru sound better "
"Such a great turnaround time, Gabriele listened to everything I wanted and all my references, before sending me files in the SAME day! Great performance also, look forward to working again!"
"Had Matt cut a song performed live. The fewer the tracks the harder the job, and Matt delivered excellence again with his impeccable hearing. SM58 made radio-ready! Thanks again Matt!"
"It was an absolute pleasure to work with Dom. He has brilliant ear, a clear sense of what works, a pro set-up and he was efficient, positive and responsive throughout our session. Thank you for the mix Dom"