Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with #Buffon
I have collaborated with 117+ local, national and international independent artists, focused on elevating the quality of their voices and songs. We specialize in vocal editing, mixing and mastering, covering genres such as Hip Hop, Urban Music, Pop and regional music. We have a wide catalog of musical hits.
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Mix Engineer, Producer looking for Mixdown, Stem Mixing, Mastering & General Production work within the Dance genre
Premium Blend Mixing always works as close as possible with the artist and tries to get as much input from the artist to achieve the result, that the artist was looking for. With me, you will get the best results possible. I make no distinction between a standard mix with only basic DAW plugins and supreme mixes with higher quality plug-ins.
It's not everyday you find a good violist, and it's not everyday that you find a violist of Mexican and Filipino descent!
An experienced mixing, mastering and recording professional of the industry, trying to work remotely under the circumstances.
Film Composer, Multi Instrumentalist, Arranger, Producer, Nice Guy. Feel free to contact me if you want to want your next project to sound like a soaring and epic master piece or if you need just one touching and soft piano I can adapt to your needs. Seriously, I'm a really nice guy.
PRAY4ENZZO is a rapper ,singer ,songwriter , producer and recording artist from the city of East London ,South Africa being influenced by the modern sound he forged he's own sound. Whether its melodic flows to singing or straight rap PRAY4ENZZO is very versatile when it comes to his craft
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I have collaborated with 117+ local, national and international independent artists, focused on elevating the quality of their voices and songs. We specialize in vocal editing, mixing and mastering, covering genres such as Hip Hop, Urban Music, Pop and regional music. We have a wide catalog of musical hits.
Recent Successes
"It is super awesome to work with him as a songwriter/vocalist as he totally understands what I am looking for, also has excellent songwriting and communication skills. I already asked to listen to my other track be..."
"I was pleasantly surprised by the voice and how the work was done. Thank you. Everything was amazing!"
"We songwriters and producers are extremely fortunate that Joe is on this site! His bass playing is the highest example of melodic, fluid and foundational. I keep coming back to him because I know he will elevate my si..."
"Philip is not only exceptionally talented, he is an absolute breeze to work with. I thoroughly enjoyed working on our second collaboration together and Philip's hard work and dedication was apparent right from the fir..."
"Beyond amazing! Just finished a 5 song project with him and he was really easygoing with the process and made sure everything sounded the way I wanted. Thank you again Gerard! Much love xx"
"Jeff is amazing. He literally nailed it first time. "
"Fred did a great job on my track, professional, great communication, I can highly recommend Fred. "
"Mattia is a great sound engineer. If you want an amazing job here on SoundBetter, give your work to him without hesitation. Besides his incredible work, he is highly professional, open to feedback, and a great communi..."