Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sandy Bailey
As a drummer all my life, being a passionate recording engineer was only natural. Ive recorded with notable artists such as Whiskey Treaty Roadshow, Sandy Bailey, BENT and many others. Drums are my life... although I would say I specialize in drumming and drum recording, I pride myself on my mixing ability and band recordings.
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Tano Brock is a professional producer, engineer, and multi-instrumentalist. He has been producing music for over 10 years, and has worked on over 30 commercial releases. He has had songs placed in advertisements for brands like Verizon, Netflix, Microsoft, Salesforce, and more.
No matter what your needs are -- writing or finishing a song/lyric, turning an idea into a full production, or getting a recording to sound professional -- I can help you. I love helping artists manifest their vision, on any and every step of their journey. Bringing out the full potential in people's creative process is my specialty.
Producer, musician, composer and sound engineer with an ear for dramatic, epic and dynamic tunes. BBC Introducing's Fave Find of 2019.
Let's work!! Whether you need sweet guitar melodies, knockin' drum programming, or help with the mix. I'll work hard to bring your vision to life! I specialize in Pop and while bringing elements of Trap, Funk, Blues, Hip-Hop, Rock, and RnB together to build your next hit :)
I'm a professional rock rock vocalist for hire (Sound Like Adam Lambert's Queen, Bruno Mars, Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, Lenny Kravits, Tool, Zeppelin)
Full arrangements, beautifully crisp instrumentals, and genre fusing fun - this production company uses the highest quality samples, and live recordings to focus on providing your project the best track to fit your specific needs. Director Jake LaBar is an award winning digital composer, and musician - touring with groups internationally.
Copenhagen based Producer, Mixer, Session guitarists. Worked with clients on Universal, Sony, Warner, Capitol Records, and more. Scholarship-educted from Berklee College of Music.
Experienced and versatile mix engineer and producer. With a background as a live drummer and percussionist, I know what gives a song energy and where the emphasis needs to be to make your song sound and feel the absolute best it can be. I've worked with pop, r'n'b and hip-hop artists, rock and indie bands, function bands and voiceover artists.
Recent Successes
"Anna took a 7 and a half minute concept idea i had involving piano, pads and strings and turned it into something truly marvelous. It's been great and incredibly easy working with her on this current project, and the ..."
"Fucking amazing as usall couldnt ask any better always has the professional product. Completely flexible with new revisions without complaining. Still using him for future tracks. HES DA MAIN MANNN"
"Bram did an incredible job of helping me finish the mix as well as mastering the song to sound great on any platform. He was professional, has a great attention to detail and delivered everything he said he would and..."
"This was my second time working with Andres and, much like the first time, it was great! Andres and his team are super friendly and accommodating and my track sounds amazing!"
"Loved working with Ashley. If you're searching for a K-pop pro, Ashley is your go-to! "
"Voxhel did a really great job on my project. This track he produced was way beyond my expectations. 10/10 recommend! Very professional, extremely talented, great communicator, and easy to work with. "
"Top ! Jonas did an amazing work with mixing and mastering my song and was extremely good in listening to my detailed remarks. Thanks Jonas!!"
"Peter is simply AMAZING! from start to finish everything flows so smoothly and effortlessly, he's so easy to work with and I'm proud of the result in every project we've worked on! I just love how he accompanies me as..."
"Third time working with Matt and expect to again in the future! Matt does a great job turning a demo into something professional and clean. Great communication and fast turnaround"