Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Reece West
Worked with Award Winning artists and DJ’s over the last 10 years. Growing up in a household where my family would play a variety of music has allowed me to be creative with ANY genre. I’ve worked with high profile and low profile artists covering Rap, R&B, Grime, EDM, Drill and Drum and Bass.
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AlwayzNdaMix.Got a song that sounds muddy? Need professional sound? Get@Me. ProToolHD ninja
Professional singer/songwriter with 150,000,000+ streams and major label cuts (Sony, Universal, Armada, Revealed, and Warner). Writing cuts with Lauren Spencer Smith, Enhypen, Alexander Stewart, and more. I love working with great artists and producers to help bring their creative projects to life.
I do not have big or famous credits but I have the passion and every day more experience.
Hi! This is Tariq Hisny. Music composer, record producer and singer work predominantly for Indian music industry. I focus on soundtracks, background scores and piano instrumentals. I’m expanding my services here in SoundBetter to work with different people while covering various genres.
battery weed wacker
I write songs with lots of fire, freelance, young heart old soul
Anthony is an Italian DJ/Producer , born in Milan, Italy.
Music video Director, Songwriter, Guitaris! 10 years of experience making Music, music videos and films. Our portfolio includes work with Netflix, BIP Records, Ultra Music Label, Rome Film Festival, and other worldwide brands.
Recent Successes
"The information he provided me was good and descriptive, but the finished song seemed like it had a bandpass filter on it. I noticed the mastered song did not having as much bass in the kick like I had imagined. But I..."
"Kris was amazing and produced the songs even better than I could imagine. They were fun, lively and creative. I would absolutely recommend her!"
"He did a great job and took care of the details of the mix. End result = Fire."
"I can't say enough about Kelly and his partnership on this project. I really felt like that's what is was from his first email to me. You can tell he loves music and the work he does...and he does it extremely well! H..."
"Roy was an enthusiastic collaborator who really listened to the track and created a lovely part that added in a sensitive way.... will work with again he's a good guy. "
"If you get lucky enough to have the chance to work with Sefi, you absolutely must take it."
"Another perfectly mixed and mastered track by Rob! His attention to detail and really understanding what each person wants to amplify and suppress in each track is wild. He cares and he is a master at his craft!"
"Chad deliveries a quality sound & his turn around time is very fast. Defiantly would recommend !"
"Very impressed with the way he instinctively handled my first project. Super professional, very fast on the delivery and really good ear to get the idea right from the get-go. Your mix is in good hands."