Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Recreo
Specialized in recording melodies, improvised solos and horn sections. From a 1920’s dixie clarinet to a modern sax hook and everything in between. I have a great amount of experience recording and would love to be a part of your project!
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I´m a composer/producer/sound technician. I also play guitar and bass.
Up and coming audio producer with a First Class Bachelors Degree in Audio Production from the University of Lincoln. Keen interest in audio for visual productions including SFX Design and Audio Post but my passion lies within original music production, more specifically Hip-Hop and Boom-Bap Beats.
Music Composer and singer. I work creating professional songs, instrumental music, choral arrangements and lyrics. I am Also a Bilingual Female Singer for rock, pop, Latino, song, indie and folklore. Nominated as the best Female rock singer in the Gardel awards from Argentina. I have special sensibility to create quickly
I can go anywhere in the world and record your live show. Up to 64 Tracks of audio simultaneously. Then bring your audio files back to the studio and prepare a industry standard mix and master for you at a very reasonable rate.
I will deliver honest and fast perfectionism. I cannot bear to offer less.
Send me your music to make it the best it can be!
Hi guys ,I'm a producer & disk-jockey with a style of hard music . Booking just here >> produce@djgaetd.com
Hey Folks! This is Evan, I'm Public and Motivational Speaker, I'm content Writer and Creative Artist. Taking part in resolving emerging students who are gonna be Techno Man
Recent Successes
"Nino is hands down the best engineer/sound designer SoundBetter has to offer. This man is so patient and will not stop until he ensures you are more than satisfied with your mix and master. He also brought my song to ..."
"He really know which notes will fit perfectly to the track. He made so catchy topline for my track. I cant but right now my track is so much better. Thanks man!🔥🔥🔥"
"Ryan offered on Twitter, a day of laying down trumpet for free on any producer's track. We had previously played a 1-off show in Los Angeles together. he laid down horn on a song of mine and & was completely professio..."
"Great work, communication and vibes. What more can you ask."
"Scott is so good to work with !!! , gives me layers of tight tones , just what the song needs to hit that sweet spot . Wilbur "
"Received INCREDIBLE vocal tracks from Arianna for my song. She has the ability to deliver the perfect feel and emotion needed for the song. She is an amazing talent. Her delivery of lyrics and the quality of her perf..."
"First time working with Josh - I entrusted him with a very special song and he knocked it out of the park. Couldn’t be happier. He was clear up-front about his process, was delightful and easy to work with, and woul..."