Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Reading Pops Orchestra
Jazz arranger: from combo to jazz ensemble to orchestral pops my charts give your band it's own sound and tunes you'll use every night--whether you have a two-horn combo or a 17-piece big band. Also lots of experience (Coachella Symphony, Holland Symphony, Symphonic Pops of Long Island, Reading Pops, etc.) in pops orchestra arranging.
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I can make songs in most styles
Western Philosophy is a musical production duo out of Portland, OR. We specialize in pop and the many sub-genres of indie music (electro-pop, indie-pop, etc). Our music has been used in national and international ad campaigns and we work with top music agencies to write for their libraries.
Versatile professional trumpeter who will work with you to get the exact sound that your track needs.
I can write raps in any style for any genre. Includes verses, hooks, full songs, top lines, so no covers, and some singing
Type beats
"Music producer and specialist in mixing and mastering, with skill in guitar and piano. With vast experience, my focus is to elevate your songs, creating an immersive and captivating sound, guaranteeing quality and energy to each project."
10+ years composing and mixing in studios but new here, let's make bangers
Recent Successes
"Working with Cameron was a blast. Not only did he exactly nail the feeling of the song with his lyrics but also delivered the material perfectly suited for your track. Just implement and finished. Looking forward to w..."
"I worked with Petro plenty of times and I am never dissatisfied. He has an excellent ear for music and with his expertise in production and songwriting, he will push the limits of your song into higher levels that are..."
"Very professional sound engineer!"
"Loved the process and great care Mike put into things! Was a pleasure to work with and has great vision with your track. Look forward to working together again soon. "
"Great pedal steel track that inspires me to work on the song! Beautiful counterpoint melodies, awesome sound! Bryan is an outstanding musician! 10/10"
"Just had a great meeting with DEVMO! So refreshing to talk to another artist that isn't trying to elevate themselves only. All of the A&R info with no where close to the A&R price! It's rare to find a talent like her ..."
"Killian's production skills are phenomenal. He took a 13 year old song of mine and turned it into a modern masterpiece. A pop song demo is judged by its production and modernity quotient these days. Right or wrong, yo..."
"Killian just slayed yet another track... this time an incredible country/pop vibe that's radio ready. The man can do absolutely anything!"
"Always rhythmically solid playing with excellent note choices from Hale. I originally chose Hale simply based on his location, I believe the standard of musicianship is at its highest in Nashville. I have since used H..."
"This was my first time working with a mixing engineer. Austin was professional, fast and did exactly what I asked. Much appreciated!!"