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Reading Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I love technology and music. A degree in Electronics Engineering From Thapar University, Patiala and another one in Audio Engineering from SAE, Oxford UK compile my academics. Specialities: Audio Production, Sound Designing, Music Composition, Deejaying, Management, Team building and collab, research.
Gaudet takes song presentation to new heights!
Alex Mica - Dalinda
Soundz Bout Right provides a wide range of services in the Audio and Film Industry. From Studio time to Filming short films and sound design. Soundz Bout Right Inc. strive to make your next project a success!
I am an instrumentalist, producer, and remote tracking engineer specializing in bass and keys work. I am available to add parts to an existing project or help build your demo or song from scratch.
I produced and co-wrote the1999 Road March of Trinidad and Tobago.
Gold and Platinum Mixing Engineer and Producer with over 1.8 Billion Streams, specializing in Alt, EDM, Pop, Rock and Indie. Unlimited revisions, reach out to discuss your project!
Playing for different churches has cause me to perfect my craft at drumming. Just by having a gift that I can share with the world that God has giving me that can bring people together is the biggest impressive accomplishment of my drumming career.
Recent Successes
"Lee did exactly as I ask him to and added some outstanding percussion tracks to my song. Easy to work with. Highly recommend!"
"Continues to AMAZE! Best producer I’ve worked with period! "
"Benny is awesome! Super talented and nice guy! Very clear communication, professional work! He took the tracks we sent him and brought them to the next level without actually changing too much, which is exactly what w..."
"Nayim nailed this right at the first time I sent her the Instrumental! But as the client evolved into the campaign she had to re-cut some parts, and did so brilliantly and was very professional. Loved to do this pro..."
"Amazing guitar work from Ziv. Disco Pop Funk exactly as I visioned! Highly recommend!"
"Always a pleasure to work with Emma. She's very professional, attentive and has great ears. I'm definitely looking forward to working with her again! I highly recommend."
"Mr. Mig makes everything sound better! We've been working together monthly since 2017. He's great to work with and always delivers exactly what I want. He's quick to make any changes necessary and is a great communica..."
"This is about the 15th time I have hired Jason which should tell you how much I think of his work."
"Great mastering service from Nicky, the comms were top class too! No revisions were required on my submission. Sounded great on various headphones, speaker set ups. Would highly recommend this service"