Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with RappaHeartless
I will mix your rap songs (and more! genre fluid) according to my quality of the music I have out distributed that I engineered myself! I can make you sound clean! I went viral on Facebook with my own mixing!
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First of all, we are mastering service for labels, starts in 2015. We proud of all our mastered works, clients and our conceptual price system...
As a multi-genre producer and musical craftsmen, my focus is on producing music that has incredible feel and transcends theoretical limitations to tell stories that resonate with listeners for many years to come.
I am a 30+ year veteran of the music industry. I have over 30 commercial releases to my credit, going back to 1995. This includes charting hits in Canada with Yakoo Boys and YBZ and more recently, Juno Award winning artist, Sam Roberts. I am an expert level engineer with world class sonics and a highly efficient production pipeline.
As a lyricist and producer, I’m skilled in capturing the subject matter of your vision and concept and drafting a piece of work to fit your needs. Experienced in working with producers and singers to create synergy, I’m a native of Dayton, Ohio, a place rich in timeless music. Professional and punctual, I love creating win-win situations.
Hey, I'm Kat, I'm a pianist/keyboardist, composer and singer-songwriter. I work with bands and artists as a pianist and songwriter. I have worked with bands such as Nathan Harrison, Magnus Chapple, Darcy Blu and more. As a keyboardist and songwriter I'm here to help you with anything from writing parts and choosing sounds to arrangements.
I am a musician/songwriter who's been touring & producing for over 9 years.
I am a versatile songwriter
Audio restoration is my thing! Did you mess up and got bad audio recordings that you absolutely have to save one way or another because your job depends on it and your client should never find out? I mean… it’s happened to me as well
Recent Successes
"Nate is awesome, very high quality, the tracks I got was very easy to add to my project. Will definitely work with him again."
"Wow, Oly just wrote a hit!! The hook is absolutely fantastic and her voice is incredible. Thank you so much, we'll definitely work together again soon. "
"Great voice Very professional I'd love to make more songs with Josh"
"The cake: Maria’s brilliant multi-instrument string composition. The icing: The complete notation of the piece. Excellent work!"
"Brian is hands down, a beast. Saying he killed the mix on a project of mine is an understatement. I’m coming back every time I need work done on a new song. "
"Chandler is just superb. I can't say enough good things about his great tone and pitch, his enthusiastic attention to the song. He delivers great takes and on time. He is great in the communication dept. as well. Than..."
"I absolutely recommend this artist. It fit my little suggestions perfectly and added a lot of his own to the composition. Shows commitment and passion for what he does. I recommend him."
"I keep coming back to Koncrete Productions because of their passion for delivering timely results that are synchronized beautifully with whatever type of project I throw at them. (Many) Their complete scope of music r..."