Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rankka
Versatile electronic music producer, mixing and mastering engineer, and sound designer with an open mind
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Hey guys my name is Jordan Powers. I am a Vocalist and Songwriter who has worked with Selena Gomez, Charlie Puth, Andy Mineo, Gawvi, and many other cool artists. Honest, out-of-the-box, visual lyrics. Vibey/pop/r&b melodies-- think Lorde meets Jojo. Known for powerhouse vocals. I have been working in the industry for 10+ years. Hit me up!
high energy, "right feeling" drum grooves and beats
A good sounding mix requires well crafted editing. Most of the home recordings I hear can be great performances but they don't always get the right treatment before getting mixed. I will fine tune your vocals and recorded instruments, make them mix ready to get the best results from your project.
I do everything by myself! I don’t go anywhere to get anything done!
I worked with great Brazilian hip-hop and trap artists like Chris MC, Jaya Luuck, Cynthia Luz, Sidoka, Yunk Vino, Ebony, Kiaz, L7NNON, Sueth and others
Professional Electronic Music producer, counting with more than 7 years of experience. Continuously working with clients with over +200k streams on streaming platforms. I will do my best to make your song sound unique and be integrated on the market.
DJ & Producer, Songwriter & Guitarist
Compositor de música orquestal con experiencia en proyectos audiovisual, podcast y videojuego.
Recent Successes
"I could write longer, and could mention lots of positive points related to the singer LuZ ! But I will simplify…She is an amazing singer, with a “blessed” timbre. She has recorded not only the lead vocals for my song,..."
"Lachi is a great artist! She has amazing voice. We wrote down all the require to her and she delivered even better than what we expected. The important thing was she made it quickly and in a high quality. When we open..."
"outstanding response time, john is nothing short of a pleasure to work with. "
"Natalis was awesome in working with my latin artist. Very nice person. Great communicator. She is definitely a go to person for songwriting. "
"Luno was stellar to work with! Such a talented, creative and unique producer. I loved that his creative vision comes through so strong in how to approach a remix for a track. His style is unique and just brings a grea..."
"Philip is an absolute ROCKSTAR! I've sent tracks to him over and over to get a complete new perspective. I give him my vision and he takes it over with much more! I couldn't be more pleased with someone of his talent ..."
"Sometimes when you tell a musician to "have fun with it" they phone it in and just put down some basic chords - Julia took the fun to another level and put down an awesome guitar track. It's exactly what I expected ba..."
"Pleasure working with Joey, he’s a professional and did great job on my track "
"Great Drum!!!Love it!"
"Another great project with Nicki. Talented, intuitive and professional. The total package. Highly recommended."