Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Puppet Show (ft. Arizona Zervas)
I’ve been releasing my own music for 10 years fully independently, 7 years full time with lyrics entirely written by me. In that time I have racked up 200 million Spotify streams and multiple overseas/US Tours. I have done songs with Arizona Zervas and MOD SUN to Futuristic and A Skylit Drive. Now I’m looking to write your next great song!
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More providers:
Auro-3D, Sony 360 Reality Audio, Dolby Atmos. Mastering studio started amid the deep plunging fjords of Norway's rugged west coast, now on the sunny beaches of Los Angeles. We aim for dynamics, realism, an emotional connection with the listener - goosebumps! Serving producers, labels, studios as well as the broadcast/film industry since 2003.
Professional Harmonica Session Musician for Live & Studio Work with over 20 years of experience in blues, folk, pop, rock and reggae genres.
Jon S Kim is a producer, audio engineer, and writer currently based in Seoul, South Korea. Credits include Suzy, Crush, G Soul, Jay Park, Eldon, Zion T, Jinbo, Grass, ARO, and many more.
Are you a song writer? Musician? Singer? Do you need custom drum tracks for your songs? If you need to record drums for your demo, commercial jingle, songs or CD project, I certainly can help you.
Self-taught Vocalist with Metal/Rock background heavy influcences from Amy Lee of Evanescence
Jay P also stylized as Jay-P is a Rapper, Hip-Hop and RnB producer, Song Writer. I have been rapping, writing as well as producing for several years. I have written over 100 songs
Mixing engineer/Music Producer/Multi Instrumentalist.. I've been producing and mixing music for 20+ years. I'm currently the owner of The Burn Room music production and recording (www.BurnRecording.com). If your looking to take your music to the next level let's work!
Recent Successes
"David was an absolute joy to work with ! In addition to his impeccable performance in the studio, his experience & musical instincts were an invaluable contribution to the overall success of the project. Very personab..."
"Raena has an incredible voice, she is very professional, she is on time and the work is very positive, in the writing of the lyrics, in the singing she is super polivalent, I confirm that if the opportunity starts aga..."
"Fast worker, super friendly. I will definitely be working with her again in the near future. "
"Second collaboration with Jenny, even better than the first one ! the track was quite complicated but she managed to come up with an extraordinary result ! We have one more to go together and I am sure she’ll do fan..."
"James gets you from A to Z quickly and efficiently without losing quality or control of your project. He has completed two outstanding tracks for me and look forward to the next. He gets the job done and is fun to wor..."
"The quality and efficiency of Nates work is amazing. He understood everything I asked of him and brought the songs to life. Highly recommend."
"Sean is one of the greats! A top talent on this platform. All of the stars! You will get an immediate upgrade on your record here :) Big Cheers Sean!"
"This lady right here is a must when it comes to getting your vocals. She is thee best in the industry. I recommend her. "
"Gideon's attention to detail is wonderful! Great work."