Pop-Rock Arranger in Denmark
Scandinavian full stack music producer with a passion for soft pop, soft jazz, gospel music and christian songs.
Producer, songwriter, keyboard player and singer. Mix and mastering as well. Released 10 solo-albums on major labels. Produced worldwide hit-song "So the story goes" and album.
Singer/Songwriter. I’m a songwriter and I have written, sang on, co-written and co-produced songs for myself, bands and artists. I love music and it makes me feel alive. It has to sound right and feel right, and when it don’t you have to leave it there. All the wall's you climb, succes moments you celebrate is a part of the creation of the song!
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G3RP is an in-depth 3 month course in music production and engineering taught by Gat3 Productions' highly-acclaimed, Grammy award winning production team. Students learn the principals of audio as well as the "tools" used in the process - Microphones, ProTools, Eq's, Compressors, Mic'ing techniques, Programing, Editing, Mixing, Mastering
I am a classically trained violinist who specializes in creating boundless and unique string parts and arrangements for rock and roll, classical, dance, hip hop and avant pop. I have a BA from the University of California Los Angeles in Ethnomusicology. I record and tour with P!nk and the Foo Fighters and I produce and record at my studio.
We make music sound much better we create new music too .
Hey, I'm George a London based producer/songwriter who goes by the pseudonym Brando Walker check out my Spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/03MvpSltNkvQq6hw93xVHQ Past clients include: Universal, RCA, Decca, Warner Chappell, as well as brands such as Fiorucci, Sephora, and Fujifilm to name a few. Im also a mixing and mastering engineer.
I am a gospel artist and singer songwriter with a creative outlook on music. I write soulful/RnB music. I look forward to great connections.
Male vocalist, songwriter
Troy Woods is often associated with House Music, but his Song Writing skills adapt to all genera's, including R&B, Indie and even Goth. For more than 30 years, Troy has written professionally for Vocalists and Bands of all kinds. Troy's number one focus when writing, is to get to know the client and understanding what they want to express.
High Quality Professional Headshots & Canvas Prints Canada
Recent Successes
"If you're still reading reviews at this point. Stop. You want Mike. "
"He did what I asked him for. Nice guy. Nice price."
"I have no words. It's been wonderful to agree. I think I've found the best mixer. It's been all quick and easy. The first test is already really valid. I hope I can keep working with him"
"Fantastic, dynamic voice. Excellent layering and harmonies as well. Jakey's versatile and powerful vox will definitely make your tracks cut through"
"Great! "
"Wendy kept in touch throughout the process. Delivered the project within a few days turnaround time and it was an overall easy process! "
"i love Riccardo's work! he does such an amazing job i am very proud to be working with him. All his efforts are very much appreciated, i wish i started working with him sooner but better late than never. Its a great e..."
"Professional, would recommend again!"
"Guille and I collaborated on a musical piece that required clarinet lines, and I must say that the experience was a pleasure from start to finish. Guille was receptive to feedback and revisions, and he delivered recor..."