Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pier Gonella
Bassist and songwriter performing and recording in a variety of genres. Visit www.joeydolan.com.
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I am 28 yrs old and have been writing and playing music for about 12 years now. The passion started when I was handed a Fender Strat and heard Eric Clapton.
I am an experienced mastering engineer and have a large body of previous work and happy customer feedback on my website. I have worked with multiple genres and can also offer audio restoration and mixing services. www.rightsoundmastering.com
Executive Producer, Songwriter. Recording/Mixing Engineer Michael Mazzotta, was nominated in IMA Pop Producer of the Year (2020) for his work on EP, JACLYN. Releasing Summer 2020.
I am an artist myself and have been making music for over 10 years now. I understand how important it is for an artist to get their vision to life and that's why i'm here to make sure my clients get what they ask for. I specialize mostly in Hip-Hop, R&B and Pop Music.
Arthus Fochi is a multi-instrumentist producer, composer, poet, singer and researcher. Works in the development and culture interchange between different countries of South America.
I am a Grammy nominated producer and very well experienced recording engineer that focuses on sonically replicating the purity of music! I have mixing credentials in collaborating with the 2022 Stellar Awards, engineering a few mega churches as well as producing for very established artist in the industry and indie artist.
I am a R&B Vocalist and Lyricist with 8+ years of experience in this field. I specialize in Singing, Songwriting, Vocal Arrangement and Production, as well as Engineering. I can provide you with dark and colorful vocals that are carefully tailored sonically within the necessary soulful boundaries of R&B. I also provide Mixing and Mastering Services
Digital Audio and Sound Synthesis expert.
Recent Successes
"I will 100% recommend working with Joey! As well as being a super talented singer and songwriter, Joey is really easy to work with and is very open to instructions. Joey delivering 8 top quality vocal stems, has le..."
"Been back to Fred for more work, on a totally different track, and once again, he totally nailed it. And I loved it. He also delivered the job fast, kindly and professionally. I will be definitely back!"
"That's what we wrote after he sent us the song: Hi Kevin, you absolutely killed it, exactly what we wanted. Big thanks!!! We are very impressed by your work and noticed the effort you put in! --- This was by..."
"if u see me hundred times more in this review session don’t be surprised, just work with him and you’ll know why! hope people with a passion in music all the best in the world. "
"Another amazing project. Chris is your go to expert for all your sound engineering and effects. He will get the job done and make sure it meets your expectations. Thank "
"Once again Scott came through with exactly what I was looking for. You can't beat his enthusiasm and communication. Fast, efficient, and talented. Quite a skill set!"
"Excellent timing work as usual - will be back for more! "