Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pete Astudillo (Rey del Ritmo Remix)
Latin Synth pop songwriter/producer with an affinity for that 80's sound. Participated in compilation album Next Track sponsored by AUDI, and hosted by Alex "MIDI" Ortega of Moenia.
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Studio Recording, Mixing And Mastering
House Music Producer (featured on BBC Radio 1Xtra), Audio Engineer specialized in Mastering & Mixing.
Life long musician available for any project in any genre. I can do exactly as needed but also can help on the creative side.
I record vocals and love writing songs! I can sing on your demos, or we can co-writee together!
Guitar, Mixing
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Music is my second Breath
Recording Engineer / Audio Editin
Recent Successes
"AWESOME QUALITY!!! Service was quick and delivered as promised. GREAT WORK-I'll be uploading more soon! "
"Brent is the man! :)"
"Austin kills it again. USE THIS GUY. He works FAST and he is extremely flexible. So happy with these songs!!"
"Great quality work, fast, and affordable as always!"
"This is my ... track with Kimera! Honestly I lost track how many tracks this gorgeous brilliant singer has done for me and brought to a new championship level! All the reviews you are reading here are true, she is THA..."
"This is my second time working with Ina. I think she is one of the better singer/songwriters on this website. She has the ability to put so much creativity and substance into your songs. Thanks again Ina! Can't wa..."
"Great guy who does great work"
"What a pleasure it is working with a professional of Angela's caliber. The collaboration is seamless and the results are exceptional. Ideas are freely shared which makes the entire process and final product a resoundi..."