Gabby Patrice

EDM Pop artist, top liner

Gabby Patrice on SoundBetter

Pop edm artist / raspy vocalist and top liner looking for work!

My name is Gabby Patrice and I am and edm/pop artist with over 100,000 sportify monthly listeners!

I started top lining over ten years ago, and do it for both my own projects and a lot of others! I have logic and a microphone, and my process is mainly taking your track and putting lyrics, melody, adlibs, and harmonies over it! I can make any changes, but have been extremely lucky in the speed of getting these projects done and the approval from producers!

Would love to hear from you. Click the contact button above to get in touch.


  • English
Terms Of Service

I usually do three takes of verse, pre, chorus, second verse along with adlibs and harmonies! I will fix anything you want the first time around, and then it is additional $100 for any more fixes

GenresSounds Like
  • Halsey
  • Ellie Goulding
  • Daya
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SoundBetter Deal

$50 off of the first track!