Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pertinence
I can help you get your music to sound like it can compete with the best in the world.
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My name is Morten Maltesen and i've been a full time studio-engineer and musician for 18 years. I do Recording, Mix & Mastering. And music for games & video.
Adrian Carroll has over thirty years of experience as an Audio Engineer and has recently been successful as an educator and researcher in music technology. Adrian Carroll has had success in record production, radio and video post-production and has developed the ability to deliver services of exceptional value in the market place.
Agustin has been developing the skill of working creatively with timbre. Nowadays, with the tools we have at our disposal to express sound digitally, anyone can make a beat, but in order to make it alive and communicate with your audience, timbre must be worked with in innovative ways, as it will be an essential part of the final product.
I'm Khalif The Ruler (Previously Known as King Leaf) I'm a Songwriter, Music Producer as well as mixing and mastering engineer located in the Los Angeles area. I've done production and sound engineering for over 7 years.
I can help you get your music to sound like it can compete with the best in the world.
15 Years producing, recording and mixing artists from all around the globe.
Trust me on sound of your song ;)
Award-winning Singer/Songwriter/Producer & Session Vocalist Specialising in Pop, RnB, Indie and Electronica. Contact me and let's get started on your next project!
Recent Successes
"Brandon is one of the greats! Loved working with him on the first of many songs to come! Took an idea and blew it out of the park, can't wait to finish the rest of the songs with him! 10/10 recommend working with him ..."
"Best producer on SoundBetter! Period! I would put anything Trey works on against the best productions on the radio, or anywhere. He's a multi instrumentalist too. An amazing all-around talent. Hire him."
"Very efficient with his productions, and also a pro at turning a vibe to a beat. He is one of the most reliable and you won't regret choosing him!"
"Great engineer, got me the sound I was looking for. Fermin was professional and easy to work with! Recommend him for your engineering needs!"
"Wow! You will get a star-quality singer to work for you! Brittany both sang and mixed tracks for me. I am getting compliments on the song. Brittany writes well in her messages and explains things well. She has attent..."
"The depth to Gëkkø's skill and wizardry is truly amazing! Not only does he take our songs and vision and elevate them to new heights there's something very special that happens - our humble music transcends that barri..."
"Working with Killen is such a no brainer. Send the files and let him work his magic! He nails the mixes everytime, and I would classify myself as a picky customer"
"Very Satisfied with Gosteffects!"