Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Payce
20+ successful commissions, 4x ghost production
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One Less Limb Recording Studio is a Professional Recording Studio. We are looking for singer, song writers, and any other musicians needing to be recorded.
I've worked with legendary mix engineer Young Guru (man behind the sound of Jay-Z) and have been trained at SAE, CRE8 Music Academy (by Grammy-Nominated Doug Fenske), and Harvard University's School of ElectroAcoustic Composition (HUSEAC, by Head Engineer Seth Torres). I've mixed for acts from Boston to LA and own ALL the awesome UA/Waves plugins!
PODCAST EDITING - GENEREAL AUDIO POST/MIXING/MASTERING I AM THE CO PRODUCER and CO HOST of GUERRILLA MUSIC x UNKNOWN SOUND, a radio show which is pre-recorded and airs twice a month on Athens Greece FM radio station; 106.7FM ERT-OPEN. On this show, I am the sole person uncharge of overall sound quality.
Professional guitar recording and vocal editing.
I am a Multi Award Winning songwriter / producer from Ireland. My work has been heard by over 200,000,000 people across the world featuring in top 10 Billboard charts, The Eurovision finals and in 2020 winning a Golden Gramophone and Song of the Year in Russia. I operate at a very high level but I'm laid back and easy to work with.
Técnico en Sonido. Grabación y mezcla. Miembro AATIA. 🎼🎵🎶 🎛️🎤🎙️ Socio fundador Adipal Estudio. #sonido #mix #mezcla #sound
I will write you a song that is easy to rap to, catchy, and rhythmic.
Specialised Music Producer for EDM and Orchestral Arrangements/Compositions in both Logic Pro X and ProTools
Recent Successes
"So so talented. Hearing Jack's samples we knew he would be good. But, damn, he really blew us away with what he did on our track. With just the right balance of power where it needed it, and subtlety and nuance he per..."
"Tim gives you an excellent experience "
"This is my second project with Ben and he nailed it on the first mix! Not only do his engineering skills make the track sound amazing, but the pieces of production he adds makes me end up loving my own songs even more..."
"The Crushboys are living legends and honestly the most superior providers that currently exist on soundbetter. They dominate 10/10 everytime"
"I just finished another song with Andrei. Very pleased with the results and will be releasing it soon. I can once again confirm that Andrei is a pleasure to work with, very creative, collaborative, hard working and ob..."
"Austin has provided too notch service. He has been very timely and has met very specific requests without hesitation. He is clearly very talented and knowledgeable within the realm of production, arrangement, instrume..."
"I really appreciate Joe's talents in making my songs more commercially palatable. He adds the magic which my tracks lack, and is able to clean up unprofessionally recorded songs...appreciated!"
"We gave Adam a long/big song with lots of changes across the BPM, vibe, and dynamics. He really just hit it out of the park and tracked everything w such a great vibe. I was a little nervous b/c we also did not have m..."