Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Paulina Cameron
Versatile powerhouse vocalist, songwriter, producer and synth player offering quality recordings, a broad range of styles and quick turnaround times.
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Hi, I'm Yann. I'm a sound engineer. Me as a sound engineer means I produce, record, edit, mix and master sound. I studied at the SAE Institute in Amsterdam, worked at several festivals and in several music studios in the Netherlands. I'd be more than happy to answer any further questions you have.
I am an experienced audio engineer and producer.I work in the music and film /television post production worlds.
I've been tracking, mixing, mastering, and editing music and sound since 1998. I've worked with a variety of genres, and am familiar with all types of equipment.
providing audio engineering and recording/production services - based in Indiana, USA
If you need a raspy and emotional voice for your RnB, Hip-Hop or electronic music, hit me up. With artists like Starkato and Sassa, I've already been in the beatport charts a few times
I am an electronic music producer and song writer, specialising in writing chords, melody and programming drums. Over 50,000 streams on Spotify as an individual artist and worked with others such as DENNIS, and Will Hearn (over 1,000,000 streams).
I will be your professional male singer for your upcoming project
Hey! I’m Gulsah, a professional session vocalist/singer and songwriter with 15+ years of recording experience in major recording studios.
Recent Successes
"I had two productive and inspired days with Enrico, reviewing and refining the arrangements and mixes of four tracks. We added some recordings and developed things further. I appreciated his speed of trying out things..."
"Working with Chris was amazing, from the beginning he was very professional and very kind he, I loved the work you did for me ¡thank you Chris!"
"I like what André thinks and feels the music. He painted my song. He understood the sound in my head. He has cool synths, a fat rich sound."
"Very cool African drums which add such a different feel to your song. A good way to spice up your music I will use him again"
"Mark was amazing to work with! His years of expertise really shine through in his work. My song sounded even more amazing after he was done. He provides you with various versions of your mastered song as well, especia..."
"Alberto is nothing but a professional, he is kind, easy to work with and very considerate of your music. We worked on a 12 song Album from Mar-Dec ’21. He maintained brilliant communication throughout the 10 months th..."
"Another fantastic mix by Josh, look forward to working together again soon. "
"Austin mixed and mastered my EDM track perfectly! He brought up the track to a high-end and professional level and realized my ideas of the sound excellent! The communication was great, so it was a pleasure to work ..."