Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Patagonist - Rapper
Creator of unique Hip Hop, RnB, Electronic & Soundtrack instrumentals. Over time, I have scored independent movies and am currently working on the release of two albums I have solely produced for other artists.
I will be a custom beat for you that is unique and original to YOU and YOUR music.
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Hello! My Name is Yonni. I am a vocalist capable of singing across most genres. Having a high quality GREAT demo is so important nowadays to get people to hear you whether it be labels and publishers or just the general public. Theres too much music out there, make sure your song stands out amongst the rest. I look forward to doing that for you!
My name is Emanuell Toni, and I have worked with industry professionals who have placements with Macy Gray, Empire, Power, and many more. My most recent work is writing music for a film score.
Vocal editing & tuning, keyboardist/sound designer, singer, composer
Experience a new intelligence based on a drive given to an audience for global innovations.
Let me take your song to the next level, with self taught knowledge as well as a Music Production degree I know how to achieve whatever it is you want, from Mixing & Mastering, to Music Production. With over 10 Million streams across multiple platforms and over 10 years of knowledge in music I'm confident I can get the job done, and done well!
I'm Ramona, a Toronto-based singer-songwriter who can bring your musical ideas to life. I offer bespoke lyrics, female vocal leads, dreamy pads, stunning adlibs, and awe-inspiring stacks. I'm am skilled in tuning, comping, and editing vocals and dialogue. Let's collaborate to create something truly amazing!
Hello, my name is Tristan, I am an Artist (Multi/Mixed Media) with experience in Graphic Design & Filmmaking/Animation, I also make instrumentals. Design and sell prints for businesses and brands. Experience with Final Cut Pro Photoshop, Illustrator and other Graphic Design & Video Editing Programs. Thank You
Pure Creativity and Technicality.
Recent Successes
"Gerard is professional, works fast and answers fast. He listened to the ideas I had and though it was a tight timeframe he came out with a great mix and master of this project. "
"Very Professional! Thank you so much for your help! Great experience to work with Brad! "
"Such an easy person to work with. Great quality and a first choice for next song to be mastered. I can highly recommend this guy for everyone out there! 1000% happy with the results "
"Justine is a ridiculous talent. I have used her more work more than any artist on this site - and I have employed many peoples' talents. John"
"He is amazing and such a great soul and honest! he listens to your needs and your ideas for your music . and continues to perfect your song until its the way you want it to sound! He is very passionate about his work ..."
"Ivan completely exceeded my expectations with his prompt revisions, helping refine it until it was perfect and exactly how I wanted it!"
"Absolute pleasure working with ALOU, super friendly guy, very talented and made sure that you were 100% happy with every step of the process to ensure a perfect final result!"
"Arthur is just amazing. He captured my vision perfectly and is always giving great feedback and encouragement. I love making music with him and I'm very proud of what we created. Can't wait to work with him again!"
"Filip was given a difficult part that required reading and he did a great job. Gave me amp setting choices and layered parts. I’m very appreciative! Very satisfying guy to work with."