Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Parts
Get the mix your music deserves, from an engineer who understands what you're after.
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Honored to be nominated for Best Jazz Track of the Year at the PMA Music Awards 2023, I bring nearly 30 years of performing and recording experience. I’m versatile in Jazz, R&B, and Latin, offering everything from groovy rhythm parts to intricate solos. I’d love the opportunity to contribute to your project.
A violinist, arranger, composer, educator, and multi-instrumentalist, Francesco is best known by his peers as a string player who draws upon both extensive formal training, and an intuitive understanding of contemporary styles of music to create arrangements that weave intimately through the fabric of a song.
I can give you want you need to take your music to the next level.
I'm a guitarist/bassist/singer/engineer/producer. I can add your written parts or you can give me free rein and anything goes! I have played everything from jazz(the music close to my heart) to punk rock with Lost Generation. I've shared the stage with John Taylor of Duran Duran, Surf God Dick Dale and Handsome Dick Manitoba and the Dictators.
I’ve recorded and toured with Brian Eno, AIR, Bryan Ferry, Florence + The Machine, Craig Armstrong, Imogen Heap & David Holmes amongst others. I bring the sauce.
I offer electric guitars, acoustic guitars, bass, banjo, mandolin, dobro, lap steel, pedal steel, ukulele and more.
Making your music Loud, Dynamic, Clean
Former Disney recording artist. American Idol top 40 finalist. Gold record. Creator and star of the World’s best Amy Winehouse theater show.
Recent Successes
"High levels of professionalism! Very generous! Great master! Warm voice powerful and moving! I will work with him over and over again that's for sure !!!!! All of you are going to hear from him big time !!!!"
"Always a pleasure to work with Sean! Dude is really Pen Griffey! Lol Stop at "SeanQ" when you scrollin!"
"Working with Sara has been nothing short of amazing. She radiates an incredible amount of positive energy and the creative process could not be more fun and productive. Her vocal skills are top notch and the recording..."
"Chris did a top job and really took on board comments and feedback. Highly recommend. "
"Awesome talented guy and my go-to guitarist!! There is no one better here regarding skills and quality. Just wow, wow, wow - everytime!! Always a Pro, superb quality and best service!! He is one of the reasons I love ..."
"Completed two more tracks with Wes at the great-sounding Fremont Recording and couldn't be happier. Always a fun time and his playing never fails to elevate the songs. Highly recommended!"
"Very Quick and efficient for an awesome result, thanxx ! 🔥"
"I had a great experience working with Rob. He listened to my ideas, he was willing to get creative, can’t imagine ever working with someone else. Almost 100% of time I pitched my songs to playlist editors, they commen..."
"Wonderful job. As always. "