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Parnaíba Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I am passionate about your passion. Whatever music goals you have, through songwriting and producing, I want to help you achieve them.
Simply interested in working with individuals that will long-term benifit my craft and exacute my projects
Having worked with many Grammy Award Winning Artists, I understand how to acess an artists' unique sound, and how to develop songs and recordings to showcase their persona and voice and inner message they want to convey for a commercial successful release. I have written lyrics and music, arranged & Produced 8 top 10 Billboard Charting songs.
From singing Daniel Caesar to Billy Joel to belting notes written by Freddy Mercury, I have been trained to sing it all. I am a singer who has been on stage and in the studio since he was 15 years old. I have honed in on this craft to efficiently perform for track sessions and live sessions.
AVANTECH has the soil compaction test equipment you need to perform Proctor Compaction Tests, determining soil moisture-density relationship and for testing Relative Compaction and Relative Density of granular soils.
not just any music producer who loves creating music, an experienced music producer who lives for creating a musical ambience. worked with a few artists in the future bass/progressive house genre like KnownAsNat, Donna Tella, Daniel McMillan and more!
I am a record producer, songwriter, filmscore composer and audio engineer based in Nairobi, Kenya
Recent Successes
"Keith is very professional and easy to work with, very passionate with everything he puts his hands on and delivers extremely on time and fast. Looking forward in working with him again"
"I just completed my eighth mixing project with Austin and his professionalism continues to amaze me. "
"My SIXTH song with Steve--and I'm just getting started. Nailed it again! This guy knows what he's doing."
"Caden killed it! He worked and responded wicked fast, which made the workflow really awesome! He was able to take every suggestion/request and make it happen with quality! It is HIGHLY likely that I will work with him..."
"So easy to work with. My go to guy for drums. Thanks Matthew!!"
"Simon's the best. He's thoughtful, creative -- and did I mention he's an amazing musician!? I'm always happily surprised with the productions when I give the songs a first listen. A++. Thanks Simon!"