Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with 01511' Crew
A music producer since I was 15 years old. I make rap, funk and R&B beats (and their subgenres). I've worked with other musical styles such as country and gospel and in addition to being a beatmaker, I do mixing and mastering and vocal direction. My first video project had 10K views and other projects with more than 2k views
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Buenos Aires based jazz guitarist and composer.
Hello! Studio is equipped with top-notch modern equipment. Massive experience and a top equipment achieves the best sound in available budget. Realize your creative ideas!
I'm a producer, arranger, composer, musician and mixer. I love collaborating on projects, meeting new people, and discovering new ideas. I can produce music in a wide range of styles, play piano and guitar. I use Logic pro x. Specialized in: Dance, EDM , Trap Chill Trap, Chill, FutureBass, Piano, Classical
Hey Guys, I am a Audio Engineer out of Los Angeles California, I have been a recording, mixing and mastering engineer for over 25 years. I enjoy mixing R&B, Hip-Hop, Pop, Gospel and all other genres of music. My main focus is on mixing and mastering your project to your satisfaction.
The Exclusives (formerly Move Sumthin Productions) are an American/Canadian R&B/pop/hip hop songwriting and production team from Miami, Florida, consisting of Sean "Pen" McMillion and Ralph "Vintage" Jeanty. The now Atlanta-Based team's first notable success came from co-writing the platinum-selling single "I Luv This Shit" by August Alsina.
West London based sound engineer with a passion for music production and everything audio. Degree in audio production and experience with scoring to picture and sound design. I have been involved in audio and sound work for many years, starting in a music school playing the violin as a kid, being a DJ as a teenager to production work recently.
Performance and production have been my life for the better part of 30 years. All songs in Soudncloud were written by me and I also performed all vocal tracks. Credits noted for more specific roles include production, mix engineering, record engineering, arrangement, acoustic, electric, bass, keys, harmonica, and additional programming.
Alternative/Pop/Indie/Electronica Producer in Cologne
Recent Successes
"Karun was great to work with. Responded quickly and implemented all my feedback and really moved by track along by adding some extra production work. Looking forward to working on more projects. "
"I can honestly say I've never worked with a mastering engineer who cares this much about helping me to get the sound I want. It's a breath of fresh air. The master sounds fantastic and Julian is a great guy, very easy..."
"Brendan was great to work with on my few songs. He made them sound great and was fast making the few changes I requested. He has an amazing ear for what sounds great and bringing the songs alive."
"Second time with Hale...Even better than the first. He gave me a touching track, just what I needed for a song so personal to me. He really made me feel that he "lived" the song...If you get him on board guys, don't e..."
"This is not my first 5 star review with Tyree, and it certainly won't be my last. He is a very skilled & talented mastering engineer, as much as he is a mixing engineer. Makes the process of getting a complete project..."
"Savannah was really great to work with. She was incredibly excited by our project and managed to deliver exactly the feel we were looking for. I would definitely consider working with her again. Great value for invest..."
"Darren was awesome!!! He delivered exactly what I was looking for and then some!!! Great communication and very quick turnaround!! I'll definitely be reaching out to Darren for future projects!! "
"Matt was really responsive and very helpful during this project. The delivered tracks were top notch and the composition was so musical and perfect. Looking forward to working with him again!"
"Really been happy with the work Mike puts in to achieving a really solid mix. Looking forward to future projects with him."