Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pablo Skywalkin
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Independent live-sound engineer since 1986
Tone, time and taste. Quick turnaround if necessary.
Described as a 'fast rising, mega talented star' by DJ MAG, Farah is a London born musician known by her artist alias as NINJA. She is one of the few musicians in the world to deliver a TEDx talk which took place at the Philharmonie in Luxembourg in 2019 (youtu.be/O0T1MKh2JiM) and is currently a podcast producer for the BBC.
A songwriter and track arranger with over 40 million Spotify streams alone. Working with some of the biggest companies labels and publishers in music as both as producer/arranger and A&R consultant. Specialist in commercial track arranging as well as top-line writing (lyrics and melody)
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I can write your full arrangement from zero or just write the brass or string sections. If you need a pop/rock keyboard track, I can also record them for you.
The Best Sight-reading Trombonist in 25 years That's how I was described while working as a Trombonist for 5 years onboard RCCL-Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines (Liberty of the Seas, Serenade of the Seas, Vision of the Seas, and the 5-star cruise line Azamara Journey). Great tone, and always the best sight-reader of the group.
Recent Successes
"Working with Jimmy was a pleasure. Very open to suggestions and changes (I was a fussy person to work with) with changes made quickly. To top it off, a nice guy. Fully recommend Jimmy for production jobs. "
"M3MJ did vocal comping and editing for a rap song I'm working on. She did a great job and finished everything early before the agreed upon deliverables date. It was great working with her!"
"The perfection ;) Cool "
"From the get-go, Jeff stood out to me for his enthusiasm and drive to take my track to the next level. He works quickly and leaves headroom for the artist to make direction along the way. Been such a breeze, and canno..."
"Patrick is a pleasure to work with, very professional, attentive and the quality and ideas that he brings in every song are mindblowing. We are now at the end of our cool collaboration for my first album and I am very..."
"Working with Amelia was so precious - Super talented, precise and on time. She really gave the song so much depth and emotion, which is a rare and valuable thing in the process. Looking forward to our next collabor..."
"Robert did an incredible job with the mixing for my song, he delivered exactly what I was looking for and made my song sound incredible. He's professional and open to feedback, and in just the second revision he got m..."
"Got a high quality mix and master out very fast and it sounds awesome, amazing communication and a great guy."
"Requested trombone part was provided with A+ communication/responsiveness/amicableness. "