Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with øver.
Professional Mixing and Mastering from Milan. I'm Macs, ready to make your music shine. With experience and precision, I guarantee high-quality results. Take your music to the next level with me
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With a coveted location in one of the most exclusive zones in the city of Guadalajara, Big Track Studio opens its doors to all kinds of artist and genres. We have all of the necessary equipment and qualified engineers to record an EP or an LP. And we are exited for you to come work and enjoy your time while recording!
Hi my name is Victor.I was introduced to music at a young age. My family all sings and grew up with a variety of music genres. I've been recoding and mixing for a couple years now and have a home studio. Im currently going to school for audio in order to take myself to another level in pursue of achieving all my goals.
mixing mastering musician
Composer, musician, improviser. My specialty is working with real and deferred time DSP on live drumming and percussions. Solid jazz drums training.Producing computer music pieces, algorithmic composition,acousmatic, jazz/rock music, where I developed ideal skills for live electronics in any context, sound design audio editing and post production.
I have been writing since I was signed to Sony in 2001, I have become a real problem with R&B songs and Rap Verses.
Composer and arranger of electronic music, I have worked with songwriters and producers on a wide variety of projects.
Passionate musician, writer of experiences and feelings, music lover, guitarist, pianist and Musical Composition student
Remixer looking to work with other pros to create great music for the clubs. Dance, House, EDM.
Recent Successes
"I am very happy with the help and information received working with them. They respond very quick and have a very flexible schedule! I can definitely rely on them for future projects. "
"Silke's passion and emotion behind every note never ceases to amaze us. We've hired her a ton, and every time the end result just blows our minds. She continuously brings a bunch of her own ideas, and most of them ha..."
"Great master! It's always a pleasure to work with Andres. If you want a professional, rich and full sound, I highly recommend working with him!"
"Wes is the GOAT. He is a consistent and reliable person to work with everytime. Highly suggest hiring him!"
"Trey and I went through 3 songs I had already written. We noticed some patterns that I need to address. With out Treys expertise I wouldn't have realized this. Getting out of my comfort zone is what its about for me. ..."
"Nathaniel is talented, thoughtful, and kind. Working with him was like working with a friend. You will not be disappointed working with him! "
"Joey is as good as it gets. His tone and style is unmatched. Thanks for the great work!"
"Aaron was great! He helped me put the right finish on my bass track for sure. I would highly recommend to anyone who is looking for a professional touch for their music."