
Pop Topliner, Songwriter

Lodika on SoundBetter

Want to collaborate on a song with an award winning vocalist? My name is Burdlee (also known as Lodika) and I am a Singer-Songwriter based in Los Angeles California. My specialties include melody lyrics, vocal layering, whistle tones and a vast Soprano-Alto range. I was the recipient for the 2023 Hollywood Independent Music Award for Best Pop Song!

I come from a choral background, with a hint of jazz influence. I can compose, create vocal melodies, lyrics and layer on additional vocals, as well as tailor my vocals to the artist vibe. Trained under Janet Christine Le and Kimberly Saunders Randall.

Contact me through the green button above and let's get to work.


  • English
GenresSounds Like
  • Ariana Grande
  • SZA
  • Billie Eilish
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