Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with ORIGAMI
music producer, composer, multi-instrumentalist, mixing engineer and... handsome boy=)
I'm passionate about bringing your music to life and creating great work.
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I'm a passionate producer and mixer—specializing in folk and indie music—whose work has cumulatively gathered over 650,000 plays on Spotify. Highlights include "Chip Clip" by Swirlhood (58k plays), "Tangle Drift" by Body Origami (77k plays), and "Baby" by Sad Baxter (54k plays). My mix stems for Nashville band "ONLY" were just used in a Vans ad!
Lyric-less? I'll write you a song that will unfurl like origami and combust into worlds that you've never been to.
Hi there! I'm Vincent, a producer, mixer and mastering engineer with over 4 years of experience working with bands and artists, delivering products with the creative flair and technical ability that matches the ambition and artistic vision of the music. I believe in working closely with artists to deliver a product that exceeds expectation!
Global Design with Desi Swag
Hey there, my names Drew and I'm an audio engineer from Jacksonville, Florida and I do Front of House audio for Spanish Love Songs, Origami Angel, Save Face, and more. I am a mixing engineer as well as songwriter and I would love to work on your project. I specialize in Alternative Rock but have experience across all genres.
music producer, composer, multi-instrumentalist, mixing engineer and... handsome boy=)
Recent Successes
"Marcello did a good job for our hymn. He helped us to create a new melody, arrange a new instrumental for our lyrics, provide voice recording, mixing and mastering of the song. We are satisfied with his work and appre..."
"Really nice melody! Looking forward to working together again :D"
"Alex helped us mix and master 3 songs. He was professional, kind, patient, cost effective and we were extremely happy with the end product. Will be collaborating again. Highest recommendation. "
"Brittany handled a challenging song with great attention to the intent of the song, very happy with her work!"
"Top quality and fast turn around. What she did for my project left me in awe."
"This was my 3rd time working with Todd and It was, as expected, a great experience. Fast, friendly, and affordable. Great sounds! A true legend!"
"I’m the luckiest person on earth today, thank you to Milana !"
"It was our second time working with Pascal and it was a pleasure! He was able to make our track much better, bolder and the way he's able to mix vocals is just incredible! Really cool, we definitely wish to work with ..."
"The tone king. Kyle’s ability to dial in sounds and execute parts that perfectly fit the song is second to none. So often when I play tunes I produce for people, clients, friends, family, etc. they’ll instantly point ..."