Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Oj Wyte
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Im the Fastest Kid on the West.
Vocalist/ Songwriter Can Record & Write the Vocals for your project.
I can help you sound the way you know you're supposed to sound - lets work!
Spinnin' Records, Sony, Soave, Future House Cloud, Loudkult. +20 M streams. Supported by Tiësto, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Timmy Trumpet, R3HAB and more. Collab with Nicky Jam, Daddy Yankee, SASH!, Drenchill, Lucas Estrada, Nils van Zandt, Alex D'Rosso, YES YES, Robbe.
Welcome to a world of live music, sweet to the ears and healing to the soul. #AjlMuzic #HitMeLive
London based Producer/ Songwriter/ Mix/ Master Engineer passionate about collaboration and bringing a client's vision to life. Mainly focused in pop but will branch to any genre and deliver a product to commercial standard.
Certified Mixing & Mastering Engineer, Sound Designer and Studio Engineer
Mixing and Mastering Engineer. Graduated in Electronic Music with top grades and experience on mixing and mastering
Recent Successes
"I had an alternate version of a song from a project that Mario had already mastered and he was able to turn it around in very short amount of time. Sounds great! "
" Great job and exactly what I asked for ........."
"Amazing has been a big help throughout the entire process. Amazing voice "
"MO productions is the way to go if you want big , heavy sounding mixes ! Very fair price , completes songs within a deadline and has excellent vision for how a song should sound . Highly recommended. Great work . "
"Wade really worked so hard to make sure everything was put together properly for my song. really a pleasure to work with!"
"Matthew Tryba has been just amazing. I ran across Soundbetter and really did my research on the mixers, engineers, producers and I ended up picking Mr Tryba out of the whole bunch. Man, did I make the right choice. Ma..."
"Amazing communication, powerful drumming, contact him."
"Tino was great to work with, he's very attentive, communicative and shared creative additions to the project. Top notch work!"
"Guy is a creative genius, taking my track, like an artisan crafting my own unique sound, exceeding my high expectations and making my country-pop song bump harder than most songs. As a new artist, I'm still unfamiliar..."
"David's a pro. Fast results. Good vocal tuning."
"Chloe did such an amazing job writing and recording a string arrangement for my song. She also executed my idea (s) perfectly. Her strings elevated and changed the song in the exact way I wanted it too. She was a joy ..."